I heard this on Houston Public Radio the other day and Tom Manoff is right - reissues of critically acclaimed and popular CDs at lower prices is a way to get timeless music on a budget. I also like his taste on these.
Bold the ones you've read, strike the ones you hated, italicize the ones you couldn't get through. Asterisks for the ones you loved - more asterisks, more love.
1. The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien
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Don't waste your money on information calls and don't waste your time manually dialing the number. I am driving along in my car and I need to call the golf course and
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I am still undecided between attending a Halloween Party or going to see Jason Mraz in Houston. It is getting awfully late to be deciding this. I really like both options. I guess I have to decide this weekend....