Seems that a Helix editor showed he really is the self-described "Mean Old Bastard" he says he is when he rejected a story and included comments that some feel are ignorant and racist of the anti-Arab variety. The posting of the rejection email in a LJ post has provoked a certain amount of controversy.
I only posted the previous links about Hamlet 2 because I was ticked at Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible not giving me a free viewing today. Servers must have been overloaded. I saw parts of it last night with some literary SF pals who also happen to be 7th Sea RPGers.
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I picked up 4 games at the for sale table at the Open gaming UnCon at San Jac. I am unlikely to ever play three of them but two are in areas I am interested in. One looks like it was just tossed in free in another box. BlitzKrieg General can be played as advanced Axis and
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Instead a had a long rant post in my political blog which was essentially "I told you so" over Scotty admitting that Bush, Cheney, Rove and others lied to him and he lied to the American people
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