I'd yoink your Peepinator idea and crash the town's Easter Egg hunt with bazooka peeps this weekend if only I could be sure there wouldn't be some pissy parents who thought I was trying to RUIN the occasion. I mean, there's always some older kids there who are in it strictly for the chocolate, and they have to be kept in line so the littler kids can grab some. A peep to the head may do the trick.
Thanks. They still say I'm the best, but I suspect they feel I'm the best MOM, and no longer The Best because I'm, you know, obsolete. ("I mean, she TOTALLY laughs at blowing up marshmallow peeps in the microwave. Everyone knows you're supposed to surround them with cell phones and get everyone to call everyone else.")
Comments 9
I'm glad to have inspired this.
Damn. I should do that. *evil grin*
I hope to try this spa treatment for local peeps soon, thanks for the inspiration! ^^
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