We all knew that Elijah's eyes are freaky, but I don't think I have ever seen them look this scary before, I think I'll be having nightmares after this.....
I've been making EW manips since I joined LJ.com - that was about four months ago. This festive time is perfect to recap all of them with a poll. All are different, some in colour, some BW, some nude, some just flashing a bit of flesh - all are from my heart. C'mon, vote! You know you want to! :)
Well, ok, it's shameless self-pimpage. But hey, there's a link, and that link is making Frodo look even gayer than normal. Which isn't hard, admittedly...
Pass it on, my friends. I want internet fame and I want it NOW!
Hi there! I found this community and I think it's hilarious! You guys make the best snide comments ever. Elijah Wood is so strange, and I love the way you guys mock him. I don't have any pics right now but I just wanted to say hi after I joined.