Hey all ... I haven't even been on AIM much lately. Anyway, I finally sat down and updated my blogger blog. So pardon me for this but I am just going to post it to let you all know what I'm up to
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So I know I have been updating in my other journal but there's something to be said for public journals ... you kind of have to keep a face on them. Because you never know who is reading them. So basically they aren't as deep
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As by request from Susan my livejournal is officially back. Not that I will be putting quite as many posts. If you really want a play by play of my day you can check out my new fancy blog on blogger at
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Ok, so I'm on a total God high right now and I'm super ultra pummped for Fall Retreat this weekend. Just be prepped ... I am one excited kid. So last year Fall Retreat was so scary because I had no clue what was going on, I didn't know anyone and I was nervous out of my mind. This year I get to talk to freshmen like it's my job which is going to be
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Things are going spectacular! Just thought I would throw that out there ... b/c for once it is a happy update! I will post more sooner in the next few days to let you all know what is going on with me.
So most random news of the day. In a matter of 2 hours I decided to go informal rush for Delta Gamma. Keep your fingers crossed for me kids. I am so exhausted after the meeting tonight it's insane. AHHHH. I met so many nice girls though. And I was completely comfortable with everyone I met there. I am going back for one more night tomorrow. We'll
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