I wrote fic! It's been so long - I've been working on this for a couple of weeks, in between working on school stuff. Now I have to get my head around my Sweet Charity fic. Wish me luck..
TITLE: Follower
RATING: PG13 (gen)
CHARACTERS: Teen Sam, Dean and John
DISCLAIMERS: Not my boys
NOTES: 2300 words. Set pre-series. Sam hates training.
Head in the sky, with legs too long to keep up with )
Comments 75
Grass always looks greener, doesn't it?
I loved this portrayal. In part because I see (and have even written) the family dynamic at this stage of their lives so similarly but mostly because you've written this so beautifully. Dean's older brother, teasing smart-assing confidence and Sam's "I'll never catch up" resignation and disappointment. It's so real and heartbreaking and yet exasperating because we know Sam will be able rise to the occasion in time. It's the impatience of youth, particularly when ones older brother is such an over-achiever in the pleasing their dad department.
This brief snippet of their past is just so perfect to me in how you've portrayed all 3 Winchesters and in the story you've told. The more I think about it, the more I love it and it's definitely going into my memories. Thank-you!
So it's inevitable that eventually he stops trying for approval and instead ends up fighting with his dad.
*hugs* thank you for sharing Eloise! :)
poor ammy. no wonder he studies so hard.
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