I wrote fic! It's been so long - I've been working on this for a couple of weeks, in between working on school stuff. Now I have to get my head around my Sweet Charity fic. Wish me luck..
TITLE: Follower
RATING: PG13 (gen)
CHARACTERS: Teen Sam, Dean and John
DISCLAIMERS: Not my boys
NOTES: 2300 words. Set pre-series. Sam hates training.
Head in the sky, with legs too long to keep up with )
Comments 75
and Dad steps forward and Dean’s swallowed up by his shadow is very, very telling.
Oh it has it's moments of me grinning somewhat, but mostly poor Sammy.
You kick ass at the torment of emotions Sam goes through.
I love it when you make me hurt :)
And yeah. Now you've got to give us Sam at say, 17, when he's beating Dean at stuff just to prove he can. *g*
Anyhow, thanks for this. Very vibrant, lovely undercurrent of brother-ness, loved the love when Dean gave Sam the coin. Yeah. Achy but excellent.
Cheers ~
"Dad and Dean would have to come searching for him, and all they’d find was his bloated corpse and then they’d be sorry…"
That made me grin, because I remember feeling like that at Sam's age. Not so much that water sprites were going to drown me but "if I fell out the window...they'd be sorry. Or if I got kidnapped they'd be sorry.." I think that is universal to kids. Maybe even Dean sometimes huh?
Great job.
Poor wee Sam - he's so on the outside when he sees how easily Dad and Dean work together as a team.
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