well i think i am abandoning my lj. i never really check it. i only have a few friends left on this and dont really talk to any of them on this site. so farewell... just im me or send me a message on face book or whatever
little update: i quit my full time and returned to school cant find a part time not to upset about the previous thing noted but i am still looking hanging out with some new people some how have a line of communication with dave again
so there we were. me manning the mini gun and will covering my back. our 2 other comrades had both perished. we would not let the death be in vain. WE WOULD MAKE IT TO THE HELICOPTER! just after summoning the helicopter the zombie horde descended upon us. I primed the mini gun and then thats when it happened
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What is it about fire? So calm and peaceful but... inside, all power and destruction It's hiding something just like people do Sometimes you just have to get close to find out what is inside Sometimes you have to get burned to see the truth.
well i have been band less for like 7 months now and it is becoming more apparent that no one needs a drummer. apparently there are a lot of programs that simulate drums very well. guess i have to learn a new instrument.
Twentieth Century Fox has begun development on "Deadpool," an "X-Men" spinoff that will be crafted as a star vehicle for Ryan Reynolds, who played the character in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine
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i am being assigned to a special project . this means i have 2 weeks before i am fired. that is unless the person who will be at my desk does horrible and they lay her off. if there are any quasi religious people help me out or pull a tanya hearting lol jk