Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses 3/?
Spoilers: Through 'For A Few Paintballs More'
Word Count: 2239
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns all of it. But I have an iPhone, so there!
Summary: How Jeff & Annie Spend Their Summer Vacation
AN: Jeff's POV. It might be a while before I can post again, so soak it up kids :)
Jeff glowered at his television, which was currently inflicting some singing Alfred E. Newman look-alike on him. )
Comments 29
Looking forward to the next part!
Also Current Music: 'Spiderwebs' No Doubt
Ah, decisions.
Oh, also? "It might be a while before I can post again, so soak it up kids :)" My internal reaction to that was "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" I'm, uh, not great with delayed gratification.
I love that this was addressed, because somehow I can totally see Jeff using this as a reason. Happy that annie is covering all her bases! :) Great story!
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