Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses 5/?
Spoilers: Through 'For A Few Paintballs More'
Word Count: 1917
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon own all of this.
Summary: How Jeff & Annie Spend Their Summer Vacations
AN: I really want to thank everyone for the crazy awesome support you've been showing me and this thing that is kind of eating me
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Comments 43
that asshole! this wasn't even close to being one of the scenarios that I had considered. I'm shocked and actually feel sorry for Jeff. He really doesn't like himself. Even a little bit. It's too bad his denial and self loathing are interfering with Annie.
I enjoyed this part I really did. I don't have any theories this time. In fact my brain is kind of (to borrow a phrase) wrinkled.
and on a personal note can I say how happy your update came today? It was like a present for me-->I just passed the first of my candidacy exam for my PhD...then to look and see an update was like triply awesome and I was like "Ooo...a prezzie!"
So I enjoyed the update. I'm fascinated to see where you take this and how the rest of the story is gong to progress. I hope that your boss realizes how happy this story makes me (and others) and gives you lots of downtime to work on it, so you can update again soon.
As for Jeff, he does have a lot of self-loathing. But he eventually has to grow out of it. Probably.
Thank you for reading.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
And WE are an awesome fandom, and I would say that 17 might even be a stretch, lol.
Chang watching Jeff sleep…priceless
Abed friending Chang and going to watch movies at Jeff’s place, yep, I can totally see it.
Jeff *shakes head* what a (pardon my language) PUSSY. Sorry, that got ugly. Seriously though, I am very mad at him. Poor Annie.
NO typos! You got me this time!
Looking forward to more.
Jeff IS a pussy. He just is sometimes. And Chang and Abed need to be bffs, for real. I'm sorry that you're mad at Jeff, but it will probably get better at some point.
Thanks for reading!
Thank for reading!
Thanks for reading!
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