Title: Made a Mistake, Kissed a Snake (How Many Doctors Will It Take?)
Spoilers: ‘Paradigms of Human Memory’ I guess
Word Count: 4057
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I have nothing. Dan has it all.
Summary: A Jump-A-Thon? At Greendale, what else would you expect?
AN: This was written for
midtega who prompted on the ‘Ficcy Friday’ thread that he wanted a backstory
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Comments 33
Once again, thanks for doing this. I'm sorry if it caused you problems, cuz you said in the a/n it was kinda hard, but you are a talented writer so I have complete faith in you. Just thank you and keep doing that engaging italy fic. ;)
I just loved this. So adorably fun and cute. Jeff's inner dialogue and reluctance throughout was terrific. Yes again, another knockout awesome fic from you :D How did we get so lucky?
You wrote the way they were about to kiss so naturally. I loved how not forced it felt or anything like that. Just about as perfect a fic as you could get.
I wanted the almost kiss to be as subtle as possible. At the end of the Poli-Sci ep, the same thing happens. He's LOOKING at her and then Pierce interrupts them. But now I basically just said that I ripped the whole thing off. Hmmm.
Thank you so much for reading!
I love that even when he tries Jeff can't resist Annie's disney face, it's like his kryptonite lol ! It's ironic that he doesn't want to help her but he can't help but feel irritated that she didn't ask him first , it's so .... Jeff !
I also love the subtlety of the last scene, how you can tell that they were about to kiss ... it wasn't over the top and you wrote it perfectly !
This oneshot was amazing, I hope to read more from you because I always get so excited when I see that you posted something lol
In other words, thanks so much for sharing ♥
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