Title: The Ultimate Bottle Episode (2/3) Author: supercapo Rating: pg-13 Summary: Basic Sandwich AU where the group gets trapped in Borcharts bunker and have to deal with the fallout in a closed confined space.
Title: Time Desk Returns (8/8) Author: Supercapo Rating: PG-13 (for swears) Word count: 5,803 Disclaimer: If I had a time desk I'd go and replace Dan Harmon as the creator of Community. Spoilers: through season 3
For nearly a year now I've had a constant writing project. One that me and several other individuals have labored and toiled on relentlessly. I've had to sometimes wear my GM hat and use my GM stick to get things done. For the most part things turned out the way I wanted. I'm talking of course about my RP
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English class was very interesting today. We talked alot about the Heroic Journey and life. Really cool stuff. Dealt with Jungian psychology and all that. Here were some things that in particular struck me
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Okay It's been a week since I moved back up to school. Thought it would be a good time to sort of check in and say what's going on and what not
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