Title: Time Desk Returns (8/8) Author: Supercapo Rating: PG-13 (for swears) Word count: 5,803 Disclaimer: If I had a time desk I'd go and replace Dan Harmon as the creator of Community. Spoilers: through season 3
Time Desk Triumphant
June 7 2014, 12:32:25 UTC
Hi there,
I know it's been a while, and this is probably a hopeless request, but did you ever write Time Desk Triumphant? Ie. did REAL Jeff ever make it back into the timeline? My heart just broke reading this fic and I was hoping for some healing:)
Re: Time Desk TriumphantsupercapoJune 26 2014, 15:58:45 UTC
Not sure how I missed this comment. I'm afraid that I can't answer your question about Jeff and Tue timeline as I hope to be start working on TDT very soon, I did actually start a while ago but have had a lot of things on my plate. If I am unable to finish this I'll let you know what would have been. Thanks for your interest!
Comments 2
I know it's been a while, and this is probably a hopeless request, but did you ever write Time Desk Triumphant? Ie. did REAL Jeff ever make it back into the timeline? My heart just broke reading this fic and I was hoping for some healing:)
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