Title: It‘s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 12
Spoilers: Through Season 2
Word Count: 3067
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon still owns this.
AN: I love your guys. Words cannot express how grateful I am to y’all. So, instead I will sing some Queen to you!
You’re my sunshine
And I want you to know
That my feelings are true
I really love you
You’re my
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Comments 72
I am happy that you aren't hating Rich, even if you are hating Sergio a little bit. You are being awfully mature about this whole thing, but if you can keep a secret just between us, you can probably stay calm.
I think that is the nicest most straight-forward thing anyone has ever said about my writing. This is nowhere near my field of actual work and I usually feel really insecure about a lot of it, so to have someone of your talent level compliment me is really amazing.
Thank you. Still friends?
Namely because I was never even slightly offended.
I'm actually sorry if you took my little statements about feeling violated and sulking too seriously. I meant them to be tongue in cheek. My actual reaction to finding out that you completely baited and hooked me was to laugh out loud. Because... yeah, you really did get me there.
So please no apologies because that was awesome.
Also don't tell me secrets about the story! I know that I've flipped out over some of the chapters but that's partially me being purposely over the top. Truth of the matter is that I love the tension, the cliffhangers, and the suspense of this story. Which is why I stopped actively speculating on it. I like that I don't know if Annie might sleep with Rich or Sergio. In fact when I was reading this chapter, part of me really wondered if that was going to happen. That's a credit to your story telling ability because I'm usually a step ahead of most stories ( ... )
I actually have been using your reactions to things as research, no joke. It's slightly muse-like without all the creepy implications.
Actually, Annie is going to sleep with Kevin the skeevy neighbor. So there's something to look forward to ranting over.
That is all the reviewing I can handle right now...
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