Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses Part 13
Spoilers: Through Season 2
Word Count: 3528
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon STILL owns it.
AN: Thank you guys for reading this! I am so happy to see the response this story has been getting from people. Well, this chapter starts what I would call the second act of this story. They’re both in the
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Comments 58
Thanks so much for reading!
Oh, Jeff. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. You are so completely messed up.
I love how totally screwed up Jeff is in this chapter. I had to laugh at his original explanation for why he's there. No luggage, on the first flight to Italy to stop Annie from hooking up with Rich, but she shouldn't read too much into that? LOL
I liked how Jeff's physical reactions to Annie seem to have intensified. The juxtaposition of those reactions with his internal musings on the situation really ratcheted up the tension in this part. You created such emotional intensity here, I was on the edge of my seat, even knowing that there's still a way to go with these two.
I'm very curious as to how Jeff plans to do things differently. He still appears to not know what he wants, but I'm guessing the proximity will help him figure it out (especially if he gets to see Annie in her bikini. A tiny bit of envy, Jeff ( ... )
This was really hard to write because I didn't want it to be too intense or dramatic (neither one of which I accomplished) for Jeff and Annie. Really, they're both screwed up and insecure and scared. I promise there will be heavy J/A interaction for the next several chapters though.
As always, thank you for reading
This was really hard to write because I didn't want it to be too intense or dramatic (neither one of which I accomplished) for Jeff and Annie.
I'm not sure that would've been possible. Knowing that this was going to be their first interaction since Jeff stood Annie up, and with the way the last chapter ended, there was already a great deal of anticipated tension. And since there was no way their reunion wouldn't be emotional in some way, this just added to the intensity.
I'm assuming you wanted to keep things a little calmer because you intend to build the tension between them in subsequent chapters. I don't think this chapter was overly angsty - though I am expecting that eventually - but it was tense nonetheless. I hope you aren't disappointed with it because I found it to be a very strong chapter and a good foundation for the second act.
So, still looking forward to more and bracing myself for the coming angst. But I know it will all be worth it.
(It's always darkest before the dawn...)
( ... )
You gave me chocolate and then said nice things, so I think a little bit....YOU'RE my bitch.
See ya around.
That's what you should have gotten out of that review.
Okay, pumpkin. Whatever you say. I liked you better when you were kissing my ass. Has that ship just completely sailed now?
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