Title: It‘s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 17
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 6082
Rating: R (for language)
Disclaimer: I guess I own Sergio? Maybe? But none of the rest of it.
AN: Whew! Holy cow you guys. We‘ve arrived at chapter seventeen. This chapter is going out to
fangirl_101 , who quite randomly requested several weeks ago in the ’Ficcy Friday’
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Comments 101
I promise not to leave if you promise not to leave! Thanks for reading!
I just wanted to say that I saw this when I logged on and I was so happy I squeeled.
My brother looked at me like I was a little retarded.
who knows, I might be.
okay, now I'll read.
I think she did at least. Maybe not. It would explain some stuff.
Things I loved about this chapter:
Jeff and Annie's ENTIRE conversation in the vineyard, and on the steps
Jeff and Annie in the rain'
Jeff and Annie kissing
The way you write Troy -- he actually sounds like Troy
The twist at the end with it being Britta's phone that Troy answered
The hints you keep dropping about what's happening on Twitter and some kind of movie Troy and Abed are making
Jeff realizing Annie LOVES him, and he's afraid to get with her because he doesn't want her to outgrow him
So, basically, all of it.
It always makes my day when I see a new chapter. But that's nothing you haven't heard before.
I will try to make your day again on Monday if I can get my act together. My job is kind of getting in the way of this fic a little bit. How rude!
What in the hell was this? I was expecting another chapter of to and fro between the two of them (and I would have still loved it because I rather enjoy a slow, angst-filled burn) but you floored me with the kiss and THEN Jeff had to try and call someone about it!
Which leads me to my favourite part of this chapter - the Troy/Jeff exchange and the revelation that Jeff was in fact trying to call Britta (so knew Troy was banging Britta on the side here)!!! Why did Jeff want to call Britta? Was he trying to explain, apologize for where he was planning on taking things with Annie (because part of me here believes Jeff now knows he is in no way going to be able to keep from acting on everything now he realizes he is jealous of other men being prospects for Annie).
Urgh, I wish I could write this well - I'm too damn scared to post my own fiction because everyone is so good! Really loved this and can't wait to see what in the hell you're going to do to surprise me now.
Jeff/Troy was actually MY favorite part too, but I thought people wouldn't pay attention to it with THE KISS happening just before it. I think (and since it's my fic I guess I win?) that he actually was calling Britta so someone could talk some sense into him. She already basically told him to stay away from Annie and he basically hasn't.
You should definitely post something! Thank you so much for reading!
I'm writing something just now and will post once I have more chapters. I've never written in Community fandom before so I'm scared and I'm usually really bad for not finishing stories - determined I'll finish this though as Jeff/Annie are my OTP.
P.S The fan art and your icon for this fic is unbelieveably good!
All fan art credit goes to engelen. She's awesome.
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