Title: It’s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 22
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 5341
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns it. The show might end with Abed/Annie babies for all I know.
AN: This one is going out to
teruel_a_witch and
midtega , but for very different reasons. Watch out for my flying grey matter. I wouldn’t want to get any on you.
That's right, it's smut! Well, smut...ish...like )
Comments 51
I'll come back later when I'm more coherent and not on my phone.
I can feel I'll have nice dreams.
*sleepy goofy grin*
I think maybe one of Jeff's magical powers is his perfect breath. Honestly, I couldn't figure out a way for him to get out of bed and not make it like 'they're about to make out', so I just left it and thought maybe if Annie wanted it badly enough (heh heh) that she wouldn't mind that much.
Poor Rich, walking in on sex and then getting outed to Jeff. He really was the most sympathetic character this chapter somehow. I love him so much.
You forgot she saw him naked? Now I finally have an excuse to post this:
( ... )
Still though, my miscommunication is worth that beautiful picture. His leg on the table really sends it home.
WHAT IS THIS CONTRACT? I need to know like pronto.
Now I am feeling better but in desperate need of next chapter - like always.
I think this contract will come up again. Probably. I will try to post again by Monday, but I can't make promises.
Thank you for reading!
Hey now, don't be hating on Rich. If Jeff really wanted to bang her, he could have locked the door.
I love play by play. I gave you the shout out because not that long ago you said that they were going to have sex, but only after a long honest discussion. I went another way. Were it not for Rich, Jeff would have played quite the game of hide the salami with her. Did her imaginary boobs distract you? Why are boobs so distracting? I'm so excited that even though you knew I was baiting you, you still fell for it. Awesome.
You just don't learn with these predictions, do you?
You really still think you're going to win the game we have going? Really? I'm just feeling pretty lucky I guess. But it was still awfully nice of you to provide me with a list of prompts. That wasn't presumptious at all.
Thanks for reading.
...and you might want to start chilling that beer.
In other news, you are giving me panic attacks with this mysterious contract. Seriously, if this is another heartwrenching obstacle for the two of them, I might have to do something radical...
And as always, 'awesome' is your first, middle, and last name :)
This contract might be a point of contention, yeah. It was going to have to be revealed at some point. It's coming, so get ready.
Aw, thanks. But Awesome Awesome Awesome seems really formal. You can just call me Awesome for short ;) Thanks for reading, sweetie!
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