Well, it seems that they finally figured out that I was boycotting their stores, however it is in a time of need. I need a new Chemise, and well.. I have no coupons. Does anyone have an electronic one that will work in Florida that I can print out to take to the store?
I am back, but honestly, there is no way for me to trudge through a week plus worth of posts.... If there is something that I need to read, please call it to my attention.. Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
I will post a few pics when I decompress from travel, but a week in the mountains.... well it doesn't get any better.
It was AWESOME!!!!! I will post pis when we get home. It took us 3+ hours to get here, but we made it. It took a few minutes for the sound to carry across the water but we were right across from it.