Fire Emblem Shin Kink Meme
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→ [Miscellaneous/Catchall]
From the anon meme:
Honestly, I would love to see more "X was tortured brutally and as a result can no longer fight/changed their class to a completely different one (fighter to a cleric or somesuch)" stories. [...] someone who is ALL ABOUT their specialty, getting horribly hurt and forcing themselves to learn from one of the clerics or something so they wouldn't be left behind.
Would prefer a female character, with minimal to no sexual overtones, but a male character is fine too. Trauma, flashbacks, the pain of moving on? Break my heart, anon.
[Adjustments] So somewhere on the old kink meme was a prompt asking for fic wherein the hero's army came across enemy units having sex on the battlefield.
But I can't find it. So I'm posting the fill here.
[Untitled] inspired by the anon meme
Anons, I need to see an angsty, sexy love triangle. Enilas/Gunlord/Samuraiter.
Kink is up to you. Does one get ditched? Threesome? Idk, go with it.
[Untitled] off of this thing here. Basically, I need a tactician, Soren or not, to be gifted with all of the MIND BOGGLING ABILITIES listed here in the form of the best badfic ever.
List of abilities for those who don't like links:
-a sniper
-a jousting champion
-a swordsmaster
-an archsage who can use more than one type of magic and
-who shoots lasers from his crotch
-while somehow being a master tactician.
[Apollos Jurney ] → [Archanea/Valencia]
You know what? Three prompts in and we already need more Ryuto.
So, Ryuto/Merric.
Think about it real hard.
[Neither Black Nor White] Marth / Nagi. Obsession and possession.
[Sea of Waking Dreams] Cain/Catria
One of them has been gone for a longer then expected period of time and the other has prepared something special for that character's return. Doesn't necessarily need to be terribly kinky. I'm looking more for sweet and romantic.
[A Simple Expression of Love] Alm/Cellica. Nice, healthy, wholesome, athletic, beautiful love-making.
[Untitled] May/Bowy, arguing leads to steamy sex. May tops.
[Riding Lessons] Oguma/Sheeda, He would do anything for her, but when one night she returns home drunk and comes on to him, he's not sure if he should do it.
[By His Lady's Command] → [Jugdral/Thracia]
→ [Elibe]
Hector/Florina. SHE likes tying HIM up. Doesn't have to be super kinky or anything. Cute and kinky is great, too!
[Untitled] Kent / Lyn ... and Lyn / Tactician. Lyn discovers that Mark, underneath his hood, is Future!Kent, who has come back in time to save her life. (Yeah, I know, crack much?)
[For My Lady] Repost from the old meme: Pent/anyone - cheating, but in the name of scientific research. Louise is completely okay with it.
[The Sage Directive] Raven/Wil
or Wil/Raven
(I don't care which way)
Kink is Raven sleeping with someone who isn't Lucius bondage, and/or secrecy.
[Priorities] Ninian/Lyn. Bathing. A dance that requires a partner.
[Cerise] FE7: Lucius and Priscilla. Don't really care what order you put them. I just want to see a seriously fucked up relationship (that somehow works for them) between them.
[Fade to Black] "Not mine from original kink meme, but want.
Karel/Lucius or Lucius/Karel: hot, steamy, passionate sex, pweeeeaaaaaassse
(would prefer Karel/Lucius.)"
Is what I meant to fill. But. I'm an idiot, and somehow replaced "Karel" with "Renault". Because they're totally the same guy, right?
ANYWAY. I'm prompting:
"RENAULT/Lucius or Lucius/RENAULT: hot, steamy, passionate (but also disturbing) sex, pweeeeaaaaaassse."
[Untitled] Legault/Heath
Kink is being requested to request something on the kink meme. =O
[Untitled] (artwork)
Nergal/ANYONE. Though bexp for a morph.
"This is a MASSAGE from Lord Nergal."
[Well-Oiled Machine] Sain/Fiora pl0x?
Kink: Sain not being a horny studmuffin just looking to get laid (though you can't deny he's a studmuffin anyway) and it's Fiora who's initiating--simply because she wants it.
BEXP if she tops. And +325897394857398457987529845 points if Sain lets her do all the dirty stuff to him that she wants, just because he wants to please his woman.
[Slam, Bam, Impale!] :D
Karel/Lucius-Bondage, injury, viciousness. Kink being that Lucius really gets off on Karel's vicious side.
[Disintegrage] Hector/Serra. Kink being Serra's slightly deranged fantasy life.
[You Are the Priestess, I Must Confess] Brammimond/Roland. Inclusion of the other Legends is nice, but not necessary.
Make it adorable, anon! <3
[you are the light that guides us] Guy/Matthew. With Guy topping.
[Teach me how to] In the unlikely event that someone else ships this and wants to write it, Matthew/Legault. Er... partially inebriated one night stand?
/slinks away
[regret] → [Magvel]
Valter/Eirika. Rape
[Untitled] Kyle/Lute.
Lute understands reproduction and its general purpose, but as far as she's aware, she has to do very little. Round peg in round hole, right? Too bad Kyle's kind of creeped out by her laying there like a dead fish...
[Untitled] Valter/Knoll.
Kink is that I don't care how it happens. Or why. Ir whether there is any sort of consent or anything. Be as crazy or time as you like, just that there has to be at least a hint of sexing. Please?
[Through the Dark] Cross-posted from FE Kink Meme
Okay, so I was at work the other day and heard this young lady singing 'Travelling Soldier' by the Dixie Chicks. This (and the copious amounts of fan fiction I'd been reading) made me think that a story similar to this song would make a really cute Eirika/Seth fic. I want to see something really sappy, angsty and tearjearkingly sweet. Pretty please anons?
[Homecoming] I have an idea. Gheb kidnaps Seth during the battle, and he announces that he likes the dick. Then Gheb rapes Seth while shitting and farting all over the place because he ate Chinese food. He also has loose bowels. Seth vomits all over the place because that's disgusting.
(I'm not kidding, I'm all up for this.)
Anyone up for it?
(can anyone do art for this wat)
["Chinese" Food] L'Arachel/Lyon. Yes, in that order. Kink? Isn't holy princess x demon king host enough?
[Pantsless Magic] Ephraim/genderbent Lyon. Any situation anon wants.
Bonus points for any of the following:
-Girl!Lyon/Eirika/Tana/L'Arachel having a tea party
-bro kings
-mention of demon king in a comical "bitch plz" fashion
[Untitled] → [Tellius]
repost from old meme
Elincia/Volke. She requires services he never bothered to figure out a price for.
[Untitled] Haar/Jill going at it, then Shiharam walks in. Haar's got a lot of explaining to do
[Some 'Splainin To Do] Anon wants something with Ike and Ranulf...
Maybe at their journey together after defeating Ashera, Ranulf was reminiscing about the first time he met Ike. And it wasn't when Ike escorted Elincia to Gallia.
And since King Caineghis and Titania mentioned Ike and Mist were born in Gallia...
Toddler!Ike with Babysitter!Ranulf please?
The lion king and Ike's parents were working most of the time and they left the kid to Ranulf's care.
The problem was, that kid was the spawn of evil, or so Ranulf thought.
Even after he grew up, he was still such a big problem.
Bonus points if baby!Mist is mentioned somewhere as spawn of evil #2.
More bonus points for little Ikey's naughtiness abusing Ranulf's tail/fur/ear/etc. or maybe Ranulf had to change diapers? 9v9
[Untitled] Geoffrey+Elincia, Elincia's clothes are harder to get off than one might think. Poor Geoffrey.
[Untitled] So Ike's recently in a relationship with Ranulf.
I want to see Soren giving Ranulf a hard time with it.
a) A really deadly shotgun talk ("If you hurt him, you'll be sorry. *pulls out fire spells*",) since Mist won't.
b) being an epic cock-blocker. Ranulf's always up for a challenge.
Or both if anon is daring~?
[Untitled] (artwork)
Anon thinks there should be some Haar and Jill sexytiems.
Kink is...anything that doesn't put Haar to sleep?
[the early bird gets... well, something. ] Stefan x adult-looking!Soren.
Many decades have passed since Ike's death. (And most of their beorc friends' death)
Soren's now living with Stefan in a branded kingdom in Grann desert.
Kink is, Soren moving on from Ike and he doesn't look like a kid anymore angst, much angst, hurt/comfort and protective!Stefan?
[Quiet Understanding] Lucia/Bastian. Perhaps... "Shut Up and Kiss Me" style? Lucia initiating.
[Untitled] Oscar/Tanith. Because fanarts made it look fucking hot.
Kink being... Sexy cooking tiems.
[he's not in an apron, but... ] Someone is flirting with Geoffrey (I don't care if it's an actual characters or OC) and Elincia isn't happy about it. at all.
[Untitled] Ike/Soren friendship or preshipping (whichever you prefer): teenagers talking about sex
[The Birds And The Bees] (Last updated February 13, 2011)