I scored 94 points on the TONY "Essential NYC" Quiz! What about you?I have no idea what the test was "out of" -- but I got a LOT wrong. (and, I am dismayed to know that a strip club only needs to be 500 feet away from a school) But, I did know where Jay-Z was from! And I correctly identified all the buildings and statues and food! And I know why
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there is this website I love, www.overheardinnewyork.com -- it highly amuses me.
but, this one from today is probably my favorite ever:
Still Not Coed
Guy at register: So, where do you go to college? Girl checking out with mom: Erm, Wellesley. Guy at register: Oh no way! I went to Wellesley! How is it these days?
so, I'm auditioning for Jeopardy on Saturday, and I have to include in my little application-thingy a list of 5 interesting things about myself that Alex Trebek could talk to me about. (My cousin had to do the same thing when she tried out for Who Wants to be a Millionaire
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So, JetBlue is having a kick-ass sale. And I have two three-day weekends this fall (Columbus Day and Veterans Day). Where should I go? I'm considering Ft. Lauderdale (Hi rbb!), Phoenix, and San Diego.