Restamp of galdr proportions?

Feb 13, 2009 18:52

Reapping because I like Erk, but considering who I almost got, I really don't think I was very clear on what I wanted. :C

:: The General Concerns
Name: Mel.
Age: 21.
I am: Soren(/Mage/Dragon/Sonia)
I'm looking for a:
Fire Emblem preference: 6-10.

:: The Lover
What do you look for in a significant other? I like weird people. I like people who fully accept their weirdness (but don't TRY for it because poseurs = no). Intelligence, eccentricity, someone who has a good handle on who they are and who controls how much of themselves others see. Also, when I really love somebody I'm very devoted and affectionate and I need somebody who's okay with that, and doesn't think it's annoying and clingy.
Three major turn-ons?
Dominance/assertiveness. I'm ridiculously submissive and I need someone who's willing to take the initiative and go for it.
Wit. I like intelligence and a dark sense of humor. Someone you could consider "sly" is extremely attractive (though "quirky" is good too XD).
Depth. I want someone who has a story to tell, not only because it's attractive but because I've been through a lot and I've found the only people who are accepting of that are people who've also had their share of trials and tribulations.
Three major turn-offs?
Okay, when I did the last one and was rather baffled by the votes, I said to my friend, "How am I supposed to be like 'no, I DON'T want an obnoxiously outgoing and peppy person, I want a weird, difficult and possibly crazy person'?" So I'm just going to go ahead and say that. XP
Being everybody's bestest buddy. I can be very jealous. >.>
Critical arrogance. I love intelligent people, but when you start comparing and acting like/flat-out telling me you're more intelligent than me, we're gonna have some big, big problems. Once somebody starts criticizing me, oh, I will most definitely criticize them back.

:: The Choices
Brave or coward? Brave.
Pessimistic or optimisitc? Anywhere from pessimist to realist. Optimism with nothing to back it grates on my nerves, and somebody's gotta love the cynics. >:
Impulsive or cautious? A little of both.
Looks or brains? I do have standards for looks (again, I like tall guys and short girls XD), but as is obvious thus far, brains are infinitely more important.
Money or personality? Personality.
Love or sex? I think it's juvenile to want one without the other, but ultimately love is more important.
Marriage or no? I don't find marriage to be incredibly important, in the sense that it's a legality and it's more proof to everyone else than it is to you.

:: The Real You
Describe your personality: (copypaste go!) I'm an introverted, complex, neurotic and rather dark person. I'm extremely creative and I'm very intelligent in my own unique way. Though I keep everybody at arms' length, I'm still a good friend in the sense that I take care of people and I'm a good listener. I'm not a mean and nasty person, but I can come off that way and though people makes jokes about "facing my wrath" and the like, I'm surprisingly (and ridiculously) non-confrontational. Did I mention I'm obsessive-compulsive?
What annoys you/makes you angry? I hate it when people try to prove they're smarter than me. And I hate it when people are all "Come on, cheer up! :D" without knowing the reason as if THE SHEER POWER OF THEIR AWESOME OBNOXIOUS CAREFREE-MR.-HERO vibes will make it all better. Those kind of people have the very opposite effect on me and in fact makes me want to spork out my eyes.
What is your biggest personality flaw? I'm paranoid and I don't trust people. People have to prove themselves to me again and again before I really trust them at all. And it's not like "gr I hate everyone," I know it's ME, know. It's just how I am.
What really good trait could you bring to a relationship? (Copypasting from hereon out) I understand people very well, through my own observations of them; that's really important for the kind of people I'm interested in because often they don't know how to express themselves the way they want to. I'm also a good listener so putting those together, I'd like to think I'm a very understanding partner.

:: The Fire Emblem Scenario
How would the two of you meet? They would have to approach me, probably at camp because they think I'm interesting.
Describe your ideal date: I'd have to say the generic "take a walk with me" in the middle of the night, maybe they'd show me some beautiful spot they found while looking for firewood earlier~
Your lover is the hero/heroine and has an unbelievable trial ahead of him/her and he/she is having doubts about himself/herself. What do you do? Reassure them thoroughly, with both my personal faith in them and facts supporting how amazing they are so they can't just brush it off as "you're just saying that."
It's the final boss! And he/she has to defeat them! Where are you? Right there next to them. I don't want to steal their thunder but I'm gonna be there as much as they want me to. Hopefully I can heal.

Reverse situation: You are the hero/heroine and you have an unbelievable trial ahead of you and you are starting to doubt yourself. What does your lover do? Stay with me, talk to me, and maybe take me back to that lovely spot they found that one time. XD
Reverse situation: It's the final boss! And you have to defeat them! Where is your lover? The same as I'd be, but ready to jump in and save me if I need it since you know I'm a wimp. :x

:: The Votes

matched: naesala

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