I wonder if Mani Katti/Sol Katti is twincest?

Mar 07, 2009 21:35

First of all, your votes...
1. x
2. x
3. x

Name: Butter
Age: 15
Stamped as: Jill

[All about you...]
Describe your personality: I'm kind-of hyper but can be somewhat cold as well, talking a loooot, shy at first, grinning a lot, getting annoyed pretty easily..
What do you value the most? Being honest, friendship, family

Goals in life: hmm, a good job (and I need my money eh D:)that makes fun
Your motto: I don't really have a motto. Well, you know. I just try to tell myself to think positiv

[Are you...]
Mature or Immature? Both. :/ Mature with strangers and Immatures with my friends
Leader or Follower? Wannabe Leader, but I end up being a follower anyway lol
Outgoing or Shy? Haha, shy very shy at first.
Confident or Modest? I don't really know. :/ ..Confident in some of my skills. (Copypastaa)
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist? tending to be more pessimistic
Impulsive or Cautious? Impulsive. u__u;
Playful or Serious? Huuh. I'm more serious at home, but playful at school. Overall I'm more serious, I think.

[Pushing your buttons...]
What makes you angry? People who just CAN'T shut up, when they're SOOO wrong. D:, when they thing they are so~ great and special, arrogance, racism, being told to be wrong when I'm right at the end, when someone's much better than me and knows it XD, coldhearted people, animal abuse
What do you dislike the most about people? Well their arrogance :/

What do you think about: a) Bullying; b) Disrespect? Would you do something about it, if you saw it happening?
a) Wha- I hate bullying ;___; it's awful >:, but I think I won't do anything because I'm too scared and..well shy. Wich is even more awful. But if it goes too far I would do something. (I tend to don't do something when one of my friends is the victim. I hate myself for that D:). b) Well, you know what. When someone's disrespectful, especially when it's a little 10-years old kid, I'm yelling. |D I hate those kids so much xDD' Shooting balls at other people and stuff is just so plain wrong.. and they're even laughing about it >:

[Getting a rival...]
What is it about you that would make someone angry? I can be arrogant, I'm too impulsive and my voice is getting loud most of the time
What would make someone dislike you? Skills, yeah~ xD No umn, I'm loud and noisy and I'm saying mean and sarcastic things..the whole time

[The confrontation!]
What makes you go into a competitive disposition?
make a racist comment and that's it ~__~, or yell at me the whole time, I can be patient when it comes to things like this and I'm grinning about the stupidy of that person, but .. I can't stay calm the whole time. (that's my - I'm super mean and sarcastic until you're going to far- time :D)
Your rival proposes a one-on-one battle between you two. Would you accept it? Why? Why not? Pffff; I don't know. If I could beat the person, yes. Though I tend to avoid it.
For the sake of the application, let's say you accepted. You somehow managed to unnarm your rival! You could kill him with a simply swing of your weapon. Would you do it?
Hell no. :/ I could never kill someone.

Let's set the mood: Pick a song for your final battle with your rival:
haha, idk this? doesn't really fit D:

Anything else? Nup' from 6 to 11 all goes~

rival: shinon

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