Hmm, something witty involving Mani Katti/Sol Katti...

Mar 10, 2009 00:01

First of all, your votes...
1. x
2. x
3. x

Name: Laura
Age: 20
Stamped as: Reyson

[All about you...]
Describe your personality: I feel I'm pretty open; I usually get along with everybody. I have a tendency to think the best about a person unless he/she gives me reason to think otherwise. I consider myself a calm, collected person who can deal with stressful situations quite well. While I may become frustrated and stressed internally, it takes a LOT to visibly anger me. (Seeing me yell or throw/hit something is a bad sign; it means I've reached my breaking point, which takes a long, LONG time to reach.) I really don't like loud outbursts in general, which is why I don't like yelling at all and try to stay calm as much as possible (otherwise, I end up spooking myself). While I'm getting better about it, I'm still really emotionally sensitive, I apologize a lot, and I have a hard time saying "no" to people; I like seeing people happy, and I sometimes ignore my own feelings and/or well-being in order to see that they're happy. I love to daydream, but I'm also pretty down-to-earth. I'm pretty optimistic, but also a realist. I am very creative artistically, and I one day hope to have a musically-oriented career. I like to stand up for my personal beliefs, but seeing as how I don't like conflict, I'm usually quick to back away if the situation gets too ugly (that doesn't mean that I've relinquished my personal belief, though; I just don't want to fight over it). Also, sometimes I have a tendency to talk too much (which is what I think I'm doing right now). XD
What do you value the most? The fact that there are people who care about me and love me for who I am (the good and the bad).

Goals in life: To have a musically-oriented career (hopefully involving the piano); to hopefully find a guy who's interested in me (who I'm actually interested in back); to maintain contact with my closest friends until the day I die; and to be content and happy no matter where life takes me. :3 (Dawww.)
Your motto: "Be here now," I suppose. That's pretty much how I go through life for the most part. :D (That, or the quote, "I shall never forget that the probability of a miracle, though infinitesimally small, is not exactly zero." Thank you, Procrastinator's Creed. XD)

[Are you...]
Mature or Immature? I'm a little of both, depending on the situation. When it comes down to business, I find I'm quite mature. But at the end of the day, there's nothing I'd like to do more than release my inner child. XD
Leader or Follower? I'm a little of both. I can take charge if I really need to (depending on what the task is), but I'm just fine with being a follower.
Outgoing or Shy? I'm really outgoing. I usually have no trouble at all talking to a stranger (if the environment is friendly enough, that is). However, if my surroundings don't seem too friendly, I might be more hesitant to strike up a conversation (although that certainly won't stop my curiousity about that person).
Confident or Modest? I'm actually quite confident in my abilities, but I appear very modest on the outside because I don't want that confidence to be misinterpreted as arrogance.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist? I'm pretty optimistic, although I do have a habit of worrying too much over little things (which I'm getting better at not doing). Most of the time, though, I find myself looking up. I can also be quite a realist when it comes to more serious situations (almost to the point that I may appear a little apathetic in regards to the logic I use).
Impulsive or Cautious? More on the cautious side (but with room for impulsive choices just in case something goes horribly, horribly wrong). I like to know what I'm getting into before I get into it. XD
Playful or Serious? Depending on the people I'm with, I can be both playful and serious. When I'm with people I'm comfortable around, I'm all-out playful. If there's business to be taken care of, I'll turn pretty serious, but I may crack the occasional joke to lighten the mood along the way.

[Pushing your buttons...]
What makes you angry? Closemindedness; wastefulness; people who say/preach one thing and do/practice the opposite; people who are full of themselves; arrogance; people who show off; ignorant stupidity; people who keep making the same mistakes over and over (and continue to ask for more "second chances"); people who can't take a hint.
What do you dislike the most about people? Probably the fact that people have a rather harmful tendency to hate/fear that which they do not understand. All people do it, but some take that hate or fear to extreme levels, which leads to horrible closemindedness and can have lasting, harmful consequences. If people could just take the time to stop and learn (instead of thinking the best and only option is to destroy whatever it is), I think this world would be a much better place.

What do you think about: a) Bullying; b) Disrespect? Would you do something about it, if you saw it happening?
a) I really do hate it. I've been bullied before when I was younger, so I know what it feels like; you feel like no one is on your side, and if it goes on for long enough your self-esteem can be essentially destroyed. If I saw someone being bullied (aside from an exchange between younger children, which I would most definitely confront), I'd really want to help the victim. However, I'd probably be hesitant to jump into the fray; I really don't like conflict. Still, I think if my will was strong enough, my mind would give me a big-enough push and I would be able to step in and confront the bully. (Once I get started, I'm totally locked-in and won't be backing out anytime soon.)
b) In a way, I think disrespect can be just as bad as bullying; both tend to play on the recipient's emotions. Disrespect could probably have the same effect on self-esteem as bullying, depending on what is said and done (and how long it goes on); at least that's what I think. That being said, disrespect is usually a more low-key way of "dissing" someone; most people can handle it, I think. However, if someone was making an obvious show of disrespecting somebody, and the recipient clearly wasn't taking it very well (and didn't deserve to be disrespected), then I'd probably step in and defend them.

[Getting a rival...]
What is it about you that would make someone angry? I suppose my general emotional sensitivity could be frustrating to deal with. XD Umm... I also tend to be really, really nice and polite when interacting with other (usually new) people, which might make me come off as a "goody-goody" or something; I know some people don't like that. Also, I'm really organized in general and tend to freak out a little (or a lot) if something throws my balance off; I've pissed off my friends before with this behavior. XD;; (Getting better about that.)
What would make someone dislike you? I'm quite talented on the artistic level: I can sing well, play piano, draw, and write. I'm always very modest when my talents are brought up because I don't want people to think I'm showing off or anything. I tend to get the same compliments from different people, and I try and leave my response at a simple "thank you." Despite that, I'm sure that there are people who might see my talents and view me as a high-headed, show-offy over-achiever. *shrug* (I hate it when people look down on others just because they happen to be good a lot of things.)

[The confrontation!]
What makes you go into a competitive disposition? Most often something that involves music. (That, or something else that I'm good at.) While I really don't like competing musically, I still can't help but feel, ah... "threatened" when I run into another pianist who I feel is better than me. (But I'm good at remembering that I am not the best in the world, and as long as the other pianist doesn't totally show me up, I'm fine. XD) I never actually get into a musical scuffle with anyone, but sometimes I find myself with competitive thoughts.
Your rival proposes a one-on-one battle between you two. Would you accept it? Why? Why not? If there's nothing real at stake, then I would decline the fight. I admit, I might be a little afraid to accept a challenge like that, but I don't think it would be because I doubt my abilities; I just don't like unnecessary conflict. I would rather not hurt or kill someone if I can avoid it. However, if there was something important at stake, such as the lives of my family and friends, I would accept the challenge.
For the sake of the application, let's say you accepted. You somehow managed to unnarm your rival! You could kill him with a simply swing of your weapon. Would you do it? Mm... It depends, I suppose. If there was something important at stake (such as the lives of my friends/family), I don't see much else I could do other than kill him; of course, I would first try to reason with him, but if it did no good, I would end his life. (But that doesn't mean I might not feel guilty about it later.) However, if there was nothing important at stake (and I had no reason to believe that there would be any harm in it), I would let my rival live. I don't believe there is any sense in taking a life for no real reason.

Let's set the mood: Pick a song for your final battle with your rival: Hmm... Maybe Zechs Comes from the Gundam Wing original soundtrack. (That, or perhaps Final Battle from the soundtrack of the game Shadow of the Colossus. *shrug*) Take your pick. Both sound epic. XD

Anything else? It took me, ah... hours to finish this. (I seriously think too much on these apps. XD;; Hopefully people can stand reading through this...

rival: petrine

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