Ike is totally the fandom-bicycle

May 16, 2009 13:09

L-lol sorry. Can I get a male best friend this time? XD *shot*

First of all, your votes...
x x x

[ y o u ]
Name: Butter
Age: 15
Stamped as: Jill; Rival: Shinon; Stereotype: Oguma; Best Friend: Titania

[ g e n e r a l ]
What do you look for in a friend? Is it weird that male-wise it's kinda different? AH. I want someone funny. He shouldn't be all serious. Just in moments he has to. Someone with whom I can talk the whole day and have a lot of fun. If needed he should be able to listen to my problems too! Although just listen is totally fine with me, I don't need that much advice. He shouldn't be totally dumb too. Smart = cool :D'
If I'm in a bad mood he should either just be there and give me a hug or try to avoid me for the time. I don't like it when people ask me "what's wrooong? D:" The whole time. Of course asking is okay, just don't insist I should talk. I will if I want to, but otherwise just stop asking. It'll only get on my nerves.
What would you do if a friend betrayed you? First I'd be angry and really, really disappointed. After a while I'll begin to feel bad and want to talk about it with that friend. It depends on the person if I'd forgive him, but I probably would.

Mention one friend you'll never forget, and why? Copy-pastaaaT-this question makes me sad. Ah well but I can answer that question without thinking. I'll never forget my neightbour-friend. She moved in when I was.. I think 9. Although I was so, so shy we became friends really fast. She just came to me and talked to me and I was kinda overwhelmed by her presence. To tell the truth I kinda looked up to her from the very beginning xD. Well she's two years older than me. Why do I keep making friends faster with people who are older than me xD. Anyway eventually we became best friends and she was always there for me. I know that I kinda had some hard times when I was 10 but she still supported me. I even went with her to her father for three weeks in the summer holidays. It was a lot of fun. Heh, I still regret that I lost contact with her.
Mention one comment from a friend you'll never forget, and why?
There's a friend who's so damn nice to me I don't think I deserve her. ;__; When I made up
with another friend she thought I'd leave her for that friend because she thought she'd be just some kind of replacement. Anyway she said:
"Ah well.. as long as you're happy I'll be happy too. Even when you won't talk to me"
Made me kinda sad but it was so awww ;_;' Of course I didn't leave her Ò_O;
[ t h i s / t h a t ]
Leader or Follower? Both, both. I like being the Leader but I think I'll fail at it. Depends on the situation I guess. XD I'm totally fine with following too. (Well if the leader is smart and a good person .. and only if I like that person)
Listening or Speaking? Both again. I like to listen, but I'll speak too. Although I don't have many good advices. But I'll listen! I'll definitely listen when someone wants to talk.
Going out or Staying indoors? ..eheh~ I like going out with friends. °w°;
But staying indoors is cool too!
Partying all night or quiet evening alone/with someone? Quiet evening! Party might be a great thing sometimes but a quiet evening is.. preferred.

[ a s . a . f r i e n d ]
Do you prefer your friends to be like you or different? Someone with similiar interests but somehow different to me. Being exactly the same could get bored, but being totally different isn't great too. :|
Would you say yes to a favor before knowing what it is? If it's a really good friend: yes. Otherwise, lol no.
When asked for advice, do you say what they want to hear or what you know they should hear? I won't hesitate to tell them my own opinion! But I'll try to not be too harsh. :|
Your friend tells you she/he is about to do something that you think it's stupid or simply suicidal. What do you do? I'd tell them to stop talking such nonsense because I love them and I won't ever forgive them. D: Anyway, I'd definitely try to stop them!
Are secrets kept safe with you? Depends on the secret. Mostly yes! Especially if that person tells me something like "But please don't tell that anyone..."
If it's something stupid I might tell it someone who can help and stuff.

[ y o u . i n . f i r e . e m b l e m ]
Imagine you were a happy little person living your own sweet life when your friend suddenly asks you to help him/her on something. That something involves a looong journey that'll take months and no promises you'll get home alive. What do you do? If not for my best friend, for who else? So yes! Even if it'd be kinda hard for me to leave my family behind..
In battle, would you rather stay a little behind, supporting your friend (either with healing/long-range attacks) or right by his/her side, fighting? I'd be right by his side and kick the enemies ass!

Name up to two Fire Emblem characters you do NOT see yourself getting along with: Lawl my Rival. People who have no brains. Makalov and Rutger. Nothing against Rutger but I don't get along with that kind of "arrogance" :|

best friend: ranulf

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