I hope you got to 20/20 before you did that class change, young lady!

Sep 10, 2009 23:35

First of all, your votes...
1. x
2. x
3. x
4. x
5. x

Stamped as:
Main: Mia
Stereotype: Nabarl

[All About You]
Describe your personality: A core of soft gooey emotions like love, tenderness, and the love of all things cute wrapped in a brittle and bumpy layer of insecurity, self-doubt, and obsession over what other people think. This is all covered in a thick layer of mellow behavior and easy going friendliness strewed with random barbs of sarcasm and temper, wrap it all in a fluffy layer of perk, [s]sometimes hyper[/s] good cheer, and cute behavior. [s]Kinda like a Snickers but more complicated and wrapped in marshmallow fluff[/s]
What do you value the most? My independence, my computer, money, and the few friends I know I can count on.
Where could you be found on the battlefield?: I'd be constantly running around everywhere, I can't be everywhere at once but damn if I don't do as best I can to try.
Weapon of Choice?: Depends on the situation really, I like having a variety of options at my disposal. Not a big fan of axes though mind you.
Imagine you had a theme-song that played everytime you appeared. Which song would it be?: I couldn't find it on youtube so have imeem.

[It's All About The Choices]
Leader or Follower?: Leader
Alone or in Group?: In Group
Close or Long-range?: A combination
Carefully plan your strategy before-hand or improvise as you go along?: Plan and then throw a large chunk of it out as the situation sees fit?
Run or fight?: Fight

[All About Your World]
Imagine you could choose 2 Fire Emblem characters to fight by your side. Who would you pick and why?:
1.Seth from Sacred Stones. He's strong, loyal,and I know I could depend on him to stay with me no matter what.
2.Amelia also from Sacred Stones. She's determined, committed, and sure she might have to work twice as hard to succeed it's better for her in the long run.
How would you convince them to help you?: I'd explain the situation and then ask. No need for fancy tricks.
Your group was surrounded by enemies and there is no way to escape. On top of that, one of them is injured! What do you do?: Dig through my pack for a volunary, while fighting the enemy back, and praying for rescue for all of us before it's too late.
If you were told that you needed to murder someone in order to help your friends would you do it?:It would really depend on the help that was required. Would I murder someone to save their lives? It would depend on who they are I guess.
As you're walking through a small town, you find a poor family with two children who are starving! They ask you for some money, but you need it to buy weapons and supplies for your group! What do you do?: Give them some money, tell them to come with me for a while (or get their home location), find an arena and then earn money for the both of us.
Describe the kind of clothing you would wear: It needs to be practical and adapt to my movements easily as it's a battlefield. I don't need anything too fancy or expensive so long as it's sturdy and doesn't trip me up. At the same time, something that looked nice would be appreciated.

!needs stamp, class: cavalier

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