First of all, your votes...
x5. x
Name: Hannah, Gin-Gen, Ginji
Age: 19
Stamped as:
Rhys / Class:
Troubadour / Affinity:
Light / Stereotype:
Lena / Match:
Boyd / Parents:
Geoffrey & Astrid / Best Friend:
Mia / Rival:
Karel (Boo, I missed the SS theme! ;_;)
Do you mind being stamped for characters you've been stamped already? Not at all. :D
[All about you...]
How would you describe yourself? I'm a daydreamer with an overactive imagination; my head is always full of fairytales and silly things! :D This often leads to me blurting out things that no one else understands or giggling at something that doesn't seem funny to other people. I'm super optimistic--I honestly believe that any situation can be a good situation if you have the right attitude about it. (Although I do have my moments where I feel like giving up, just like anyone else.) Unfortuately, I'm rather gullible and naive, and will usually believe just about anything I'm told. As a result, sarcasm is often wasted on me, unless it's pretty obvious. :D;; I usually trust people until I've been given a reason not to, and I give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I'm quiet and serious, like when I'm trying to read or study, and sometimes I'm really giddy and silly. It depends on the situation! ^U^ I love to help people a lot! Even if it's something that I really don't feel like doing, I'll usually do it anyways just because I want to be helpful. I'm a bit of a klutz and I'm a bit hemophobic. (Even listening to someone talk about blood grosses me out. ;_;) But I think I'm pretty responsible and I always try my best! :D Oh, and I really love cute stuff!
How would others describe you? Well, I think a lot of people think I'm pretty helpless. D: Often people tell me that I'm too naive/optimistic/gullible/eager to help/trusting, and that someone's going to take advantage of that if I don't stand up for myself. (I don't think that's necessarily true, though! :D) People also describe me as cute, happy, silly, funny, clumsy, helpful, kind, etc. They also sometimes say that I'm like a little kid lol! 8D I don't usually get insulted to my face, but I'm sure there's a lot of bad adjectives people throw around about me, too! xD Probably people think I'm too stern, strict or serious about certain things.
What do you value the most? Faith, hope, love, honesty and loyalty. I cannot stress love enough, whether it's family, friendship, or romance. ♥ Yay for love!!
Strong points: I look on the bright side of things. I always try my best. I'm like trying new things. I cherish the little things in life. I love to help people. I'm extremely loyal and trusting. I can often see the best in people. I have a very strong conscience. I'm very quick to forgive people.
Weak points: I often procrastinate until the last minute. I'm pretty clumsy in the sense that I trip over things and stuff, but also that I stumble over my words. xD I'm pretty naive and gullible. I often have a hard time expressing myself. I talk too much around the people I'm comfortable with, and not enough around people I don't know well.
Likes: Books, angels, being with people, being outdoors, sweets, strawberries, tea, coffee, doggies, fishies, birdies, pretty dresses + undies (especially with ribbons, lace and bows), royalty (princes and princesses especially), history, art, language, flowers, video games, and I looooove cute stuff! (Animals, unicorns, rainbows, little kids, cupcakes, babies, smiles, bows, dresses, ponies~~! ♥ ♥ ♥)
Dislikes: Blood and gore, thunder, being sick, discrimination (especially racism and sexism), ants, horror movies and scary stories, cold or rainy weather (when I have to be out in it at least), clutter...
Goals in life: Well, of course I have my own personal goals, but overall I really just want to live life happily and without regret, surrounded by people I love. I don't want to live just for me; I want to love and help people as much as I can.
Your motto: I don't really have a motto, but I'm rather fond of the quote, "Bring a smiling visage to the glass and you'll meet a smile."
What makes you angry? People who look down on others. Manipulative people and liars. Needlessly taking someone's life. Discrimination. (Especially sexism and racism.) People who won't even consider someone else's opinion. Also, I don't really like it when people are vulgar for no real reason. I mean, sure, it can be funny, but only to a certain extent; I think there's a point where it just becomes offensive.
What do you dislike the most about people? I guess...when someone acts like other people don't have as much value or worth as they do. The person who rambles on about themselves but never stops to ask about the person they're talking to. The person who makes a mess but expects his friend to clean it up for him, without stopping to think that maybe his friend is busy too. The person who manipulates someone else in order to achieve some goal or stay out of trouble. The person who can kill someone else without caring. Whether they're conciously thinking that or not, they're all acting like they're more important than the people around them
What is it about you that would make someone angry? Boooo~ Well, I guess sometimes I'm too strict. I'm always checking up on my younger siblings to make sure that they've finished their homework and done their chores, and it really bothers them sometimes. I'm just trying to help out, though...;__; Also, there have been a few situations when someone has asked me for my honest opinion on something, and then they get upset when I tell them I think they've made a mistake or that they could have done better. And apparantly some people think I'm stuck up or something because I don't talk a lot, but I think that's just because they don't know me well. ^^;;
What would make someone dislike you? Well, I've had a few 'rivals' in some of my classes because the other students think I'm an overachiever or a teacher's pet. I've also had people get upset with me for 'always being a goody-goody' or 'following all the rules.' ...Basically, people sometimes seem to think I'm self-righteous. ;__; Boo.
Do you believe the goal justifies the means? Absolutely not! D:
What do you think it’s the most despicable thing a person could do? ...There are so many horrid things someone could do. Well, I suppose that manipulating someone, taking advantage or them, or winning their trust only to betray them. Because someone's trust and affection is a very precious thing! To take advantage of that is like spitting on that trust and saying it's worthless. And personally, I think emotional wounds can last the longest and be the most painful. :C
[Are you...]
Mature or Immature? I can be either, depending on what I think the situation calls for. :D I'm generally a happy and silly person, which would make people think I'm immature, but I'm pretty responsible and I try to present myself diplomatically around people I don't know well.
Leader or Follower? I don't like to be the leader because I always worry that I won't live up to people's expectations. Though I will lead if I need to, I'm much happier being a follower! But I won't just blindly follow anyone; I follow someone because I think what they're doing is right. If they start doing things that I believe are wrong, I won't hesitate to leave.
Confident or Modest? Confident enough that I don't let people's opinion of me make me feel bad, but modest enough that I realize there's always someone who can do better than me at something. I probably lean towards modest, though.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist? Definitely optimistic! I always look on the bright side of things and give people the benefit of the doubt! Except for when it comes to wrongs I've done. Like, if I said something that hurt someone's feelings, I tend to worry about it so much that I assume they hate me now. :D;; But for everything else, I'm an optimist! ♥
Impulsive or Cautious? Usually very impulsive! I don't stick with one activity very long. :D Though, when it comes to dealing with people, I'm often pretty cautious. I know how delicate people's feelings can be, so I try to treat people with care and think about how the things I say and do could affect them.
Playful or Serious? I tend to be more playful, but I can control myself when I have to. Like, I'm really silly and loud when I'm with my friends, but when it comes to academics or a solemn occasion, I can be serious!
Persistent or Weak-willed? Er...hum. I think I'm rather persistent in that I try to do the right thing, even if it would be easier to just give in. But even then, I'll keep an open mind. I don't think it's right to ignore new information just because it goes against the path that I've decided to follow. I'll at least think it over, because for all I know, I could be the one who's wrong, and I want to keep striving after what's right. I don't think that makes me weak-willed...just open-minded.
Cynical or Faithful? Faithful. I always hope for the best and believe that things will turn out OK in the end.
Rational or Emotional? I think both are important when making a decision, but I'm starting to find out that I'm a bit more emotional than rational. ^^;
Short-tempered or Cold-headed? I'm pretty patient with people. While I might get annoyed with someone, I won't really show it and I'll try to get over it quickly. But to really piss me off...? It's not that easy to do. Though I do have bad days now and then where any little thing could set me off.
Forgiving or Vindictive? Forgiving. I don't usually hold grudges longer than an hour or two, and I really believe in giving people another chance. (People change!) However, I will be cautious around someone who's hurt me, even after I've forgiven them; it takes a while to gain my trust back.
[Being the bad guy is not easy]
What is your reason to confront the hero? I'd either be trying to change something for the better or to help someone dear to me, and for some reason the hero is getting in my way. I try not to pick fights for selfish reasons; I'd probably just be trying to help and protect people. Of course, it might be that my heart is in the right place but my methods are wrong, so I'll listen to the hero's reasoning. I'm not too stubborn to do that! C: But if I still believe my ways are right and the hero can't agree with that, there's probably going to be conflict.
Would you rather have comrades/subordinates or work alone? I'll work alone if I must, but I'd much rather have people I can trust with me. I get lonely fast. :C I wouldn't call them subordinates though, as that implies that they're below me, and I'd want my partners to be my equals!
The good guys are getting really close to you, and lately they’re being a real pain in the ass. You have a plan to delay and maybe destroy them, but it would mean sacrificing the houses and possibly the lives of a lot of innocent civilians. Do you go on with the plan or prefer to respect the innocent lives? ...I can't risk the lives and homes of those innocent people. It's not their fight, and I can't drag them into it. :C I'm sure I can think of some other way to delay the hero that won't put anyone in danger... But I can see that in some cases, loss is inevitable. There's going to be loss in any battle, so it's an option that I'd have to consider...just one that I'd rather not.
Would you ever betray your comrades for your own benefit? No! Absolutely not! Especially not for my own benefit. D: I'd die before I'd betray my friends!
Would you rather defeat your enemies by force or using complicate politic plots? Ugh, I really hate politics. But I definitely want to avoid bloodshed or violence if I can, so that leaves me with few options. Guess I'm stuck with politics.
Would you use someone or manipulate their feelings to get what you want? No, never. :C I'd just be honest with people and hope that my cause would win them over.
The hero seems pretty strong, do you try to get him (or her) to join you or do you think it’s not worth the trouble? Well, I'd try to get them to join me, but not because they're strong. It's just that I'd rather settle things peacefully, so if I can convince them to join my cause, everything will be okay! :D
Anything else? ...Geeze, I'm a pretty pathetic villain. D: Please excuse my sloppy writing and excesive use of copy-paste. I'm tireeed~ 8D