[First of all, your votes]
x x x x x [basics]
Name/Alias: Hannah, Gin-Gen, Ginji
Age: 19
Gender: female
Stamped as:
Rhys / Class:
Troubadour / Affinity:
Light / Stereotype:
Lena / Villain:
Shiharam / Match:
Boyd / Parents:
Geoffrey & Astrid / Best Friend:
Mia / Rival:
KarelDo you mind being stamped for characters you've been stamped already? I'd rather not be stamped as Rhys or Boyd, but other than that, go crazy. :D
[about you]
How would you describe yourself? I'm a daydreamer with an overactive imagination; my head is always full of fairytales and silly things! :D This often leads to me blurting out things that no one else understands or giggling at something that doesn't seem funny to other people. I'm super optimistic--I honestly believe that any situation can be a good situation if you have the right attitude about it. (Although I do have my moments where I feel like giving up, just like anyone else.) I really love cute and happy stuff!! :D!! Unfortuately, I'm rather gullible and naive, and will usually believe just about anything I'm told. As a result, sarcasm is often wasted on me, unless it's pretty obvious. :D;; I usually trust people until I've been given a reason not to, and I give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I'm quiet and serious, like when I'm trying to read or study, and sometimes I'm really giddy and silly. It depends on the situation~ C: I love to help people a lot! Even if it's something that I really don't feel like doing, I'll usually do it anyways just because I want to be helpful. I'm extremely loyal to my friends and immediate family; I'd really do just about anything for them. I'm a bit of a klutz and I'm a bit hemophobic. (Even listening to someone talk about blood grosses me out. ;_;)
How do you think others see you? Well, I think a lot of people think I'm pretty helpless. D: Often people tell me that I'm too naive/optimistic/gullible/eager to help/trusting, and that someone's going to take advantage of that if I don't stand up for myself. (I don't think that's necessarily true, though! :C) People also describe me as cute, happy, silly, funny, clumsy, helpful, loyal, etc. They also sometimes say that I'm like a little kid. ^^; People don't usually talk to me about my weak points, but I would guess that people think I'm too stern, strict or serious about certain things. Maybe that I'm too blunt, too.
Strong points: I look on the bright side of things. I always try my best. I like trying new things. I cherish the little things in life. I love to help people. I'm extremely loyal and trusting. I can often see the best in people. I have a very strong conscience. I'm very quick to forgive people.
Weak points: I often procrastinate until the last minute. I'm pretty clumsy in the sense that I trip over things and stuff, but also that I stumble over my words. xD I'm pretty naive and gullible. I often have a hard time expressing myself. I talk too much around the people I'm comfortable with, and not enough around people I don't know well. I get my feelings hurt pretty easily, though I don't usually admit it.
Likes: ANYTHING CUTE! Unicorns, rainbows, little kids, cupcakes, smiles, hearts, dresses, bows, ponies~!! Cute stuff makes me happy!! C: Aside from that, I like books, angels, being with people, being outdoors, sweets, strawberries, tea, coffee, doggies, fishies, birdies, pretty dresses + undies (especially with ribbons, lace and bows), royalty (princes and princesses especially), history, art, language, flowers, video games and lots of other things! :D
Dislikes: Blood and gore, thunder, being sick, discrimination (especially racism and sexism), ants, horror movies and scary stories, cold or rainy weather (when I have to be out in it at least), clutter...
[brother, my brother]
Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have an older brother (Daniel), a younger brother (Michael) and a younger sister (Emily).
If the answer to the previous questions was yes, how’s your relationship with them? Would you change anything of this relationship? Emily and I have shared a room ever since she was born, so we've become really close over the years, even though we're both so different. We have the same silly sense of humor and it's really easy for us to talk to eachother. Every now and then, after we've both crawled into our beds, we'll just lay there and chat for hours and hours. n_n! And when one of us is hurting, we get together to talk it over, have a good cry and encourage eachother. Seriously, we can tell eachother absolutely anything. There's an honesty and trust between us that I don't have with very many other people. We definitely have our fights now and then, but they never last long. I support and encourage her while she's trying to find out who she is and work through those difficult teen years; she listens to and comforts me when no one else will, and she keeps all my secrets. She's definitely one of my best friends ever! :D ♥
Michael and I are really close, though our relationship isn't as deep as the one I have with Emily. We still get along great! n_n We laugh and joke and play all the time. He's my video game buddy! :D He's become more protective of me lately, which is really fascinating to me since I've always been protective of him as my baby brother. He's really growing into a fine young man - he's become so strong!
My relationship with Daniel is...much more complicated. I won't go into the whole story, but basically we never got along when I was younger. Even as a child, he would always tease me and pull pranks on me. As he got older, he became very rebellious - he took advantage of and hurt our family many, many times. It came to a point where I decided that it'd be easier if I wasn't so emotionally attached to him, because then he couldn't hurt me. So I completely disowned him, at least in my heart; he wasn't my brother. A brother wouldn't hurt me the way that he did. To me, he was just some guy living in our house. It was a very painful time for me. Yet...things have turned around. About two years ago he got himself into a lot of trouble; he put two of his friends into the hospital because of poor, selfish decisions; the whole family got dragged into his problems once again; it was a really dark time for my family. But for the first time, he finally saw how many problems he was causing and he realized that he needed to get his act together. It's been a slow process, but he's been changing into a kinder person. He still has his flaws, of course, and sometimes we still fight, but at least now we're at peace with eachother. ...He did teach me one thing though. Through everything that happened, I've learned so much about forgiveness and giving people second chances. (And third and fourth and fifth...as many as they need.)
As for whether I'd change anything about these relationships...I only hope that we continue to grow closer to eachother and come to understand eachother better. I want us to be the kind of family that's always there for eachother.
Would you like to have more siblings? Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted an older brother who would love me and want to protect me; a brother I could look up to and always depend on. Though I love Daniel in my own way, he's never really been that for me, so...
If you don’t have any siblings, would you like to have them? I can't imagine being an only child - I'd be so lonely!
Describe your ideal sibling relationship I'm pretty happy with the siblings I have now - I love them so much! - b-but I really do want that loving, protective older brother I've always dreamed of. ;3; (Pardon me while I daydream a bit here! ♥) He'd understand me and be interested in my life; we'd be able to talk to eachother freely without worrying about being judged. He'd love me for all my girliness, silliness and optimism - maybe even find it refreshing - and I'd look up to him for his loyalty, character and strength(both physical and emotional, lol). He would protect me and watch over me; I'd know that he'd be there whenever I felt overwhelmed and I'd feel safe whenever he was nearby. Yet he wouldn't be controling; he'd realize that I am my own person and he'd allow me to make my own decisions. We'd be supportive of eachother and encourage eachother to grow and pursue our dreams. He doesn't have to be perfect - it's okay if we fight or disagree and it's okay if he makes mistakes. I just want a big brother who cares about me.
Do you think older siblings should protect the younger ones? Yes, I do, but I think younger siblings should protect their older siblings, too. Neither one should try to control the other though; they should just support and take care of eachother, in their own ways. C:
[the world of Fire Emblem]
Do you think your lord brother is hot? Mmm, baby yeah~ ;D
Describe the childhood you’d like to have in this kind of world: I'd like to grow up in a quiet, friendly little town with some close family and friends. Someplace with lots of beautiful scenery, gorgeous weather, cute little animals and trails to explore. I'd like to have someone who could teach me to use staves and magic so that I could run around town caring for the wounded and ill. When I wasn't helping with chores, running around outside and reading to myself, I'd probably tag along with my siblings and friends when they're sparring or exploring. And of course I'd always have a stave or vulnerary ready if one of them gets hurt! n_n Oh...and I'd totally sneak over to the castle and watch the knights while they're training, tee hee~ 8D ♥
You are fighting the bad guys when your little brother/sister comes and tells you s/he wants to join the fight. What do you do? I'd be extremely worried! There's no way I'd be able to keep an eye on them all the time in the middle of a battlefield, so letting them tag along would be very dangerous! If they don't know how to fight or heal, then I'd tell them that while I admire their courage, it's just too dangerous; we can get them some training later and talk it over, but for now they need to be patient. If they do know how to fight or heal, then I guess I don't have much of a choice. I'd still try to talk them out of it because they might not really realize what they'd be getting themself, but if they still insist, then I'd let them come along. After all, I need to respect their choices. But I'd definitely try to watch out for them until I felt confident they could handle themself.
And what if he/she ask you to train them? Would you teach them how to fight? Absolutely! It's important to know how to take care of yourself and your loved ones if the situation ever arises. If I can't train them myself, I'd do everything I can to find them a teacher.
Your older brother/sister goes away on some kind of dangerous quest (to fight in the war, to search for revenge on your parents’ murderer, something like that). What’s your reaction? Do you try to follow or stop them? It depends on the situation, of course, but I think in most cases I would follow them. I tend to make big decisions like that based mostly on my emotions, so my love for my siblings would drive me to follow them, even if it was stupid or dangerous. Besides, I want to help them in any way that I can, and I can't do that unless I'm with them. I'd probably be very scared though...it's a big decision. I don't know....I'd have to know more specifics. ^^;
Anything else you’d like to share? I'll vote as soon as more applications are up. So put some apps up, guys! 8D Finished! o3o