i could have written this post, totally. i love hamburgers. hell, i'm the hamburglar. ps, you have great spelling. though i did notice that adolescent in the post below is missing an 's', but presumptuous is spelled correctly. good job. b+
actually, when you look at my username closely it is defy apathy. defy: To oppose or resist with boldness and assurance. although i do, now, occassionally give into not-caring, around the time i started my lj a big part of my belief system was (and i do suppose to some extent it still is) the defiance of apathy, the belief in PASSION, the refusal to let life drain you away and leave you an empty shell devoid of all intensity.
wow now i feel stupid because i was reading defy as some coloquialism for definately and i like your definition better because "definitely apathy" was a confusing notion. sorry, im dull.
Comments 10
unless im missinterpreting your lj title
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