Alright, so now Corey has competition for my best date ever, even though this wasn't a date! Thats how frickin' awesome my afternoon with Jenna was
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Today is my day off and so far it's been so so. I woke up really really late for me at 11:30 which was awesome. Then I had some breakfast and I've been doing some laundry. I'm thinking about going shopping later, but I don't know
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So boredom ensues. I don't have to work today, and usually I would be excited by that, but for a while I've been feeling like I don't hang out with anyone except the people at work because I just haven't had time to
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So I'm alive and well. I'll be sleeping a lot tonight. The trip went off pretty much without a hitch, a few kids did some things that really needed to be disciplined, but other then that it was good. ( Read more... )
I'm about to leave for 4 days with 40 middle schoolers in downtown, ghetto Houston. We're talking the worst of the worst. If I don't come back by Wednesday one of two things has happened:
1.) I've died
2.) I've been put in jail for killing middle schools.