Title: Her Hand in His Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Tiva Rating: K Spoilers: "Truth or Consequences" Summary: Ziva had given up entirely, but is jarred from her defeat by the simplest action. Tag to the end of ToC. Disclaimer: Not mine.
haha. I feel like I have literally watched that episode 8 million times (if not the whole thing, then at least I've seen the Tiva clips on YouTube far too many times to be healthy) and I had never noticed it until the other day. By that time, I was already--as I am EVERY time I watch that episode--super emotional and had turned into a puddle of goo, so I was attempting to write it out. This actually started as something entirely different and then I saw the hand-holding and just about had a heart attack. During the commercial, I tracked down a clip just to make sure my eyes hadn't deceived me! lol.
Thanks so much for the review! It definitely makes me want to write some more. <3
ok, it's driving me nuts that I'm stuck at a conference and can't race home to go look for that scene, because I have seriously over-analyzed that episode to death and never noticed him holding her hand, haha.
On that note- have you seen the look on Tony's face when Ziva says "so you will die with me." ? His eyes, good lord. I about keeled over.
I hope you got home from the conference alright & were able to check out the scene of epic cuteness (well, one of many, at least)! I know entirely how you feel, though--up until a few days ago, I swear I'd watched this episode about a bajillion times and had never noticed it and then: BAM, there it was, entirely adorable and under-the-radar.
OMG. The look in his eyes every time she speaks just brings on a whirlwind of emotions from me. I just will never be able to get over: "Tried...couldn't." It just leaves me speechless. Speaking of keeling over, this entire episode did that to me. Plus Reunion and Good Cop, Bad Cop and Jetlag...and the Christmas episode. I can only hope that there are such good scenes in store for us this season. *fingers crossed*
Weekly Recs 10/15/10pingback_botOctober 16 2010, 02:45:46 UTC
User kew121 referenced to your post from Weekly Recs 10/15/10 saying: [...] about Fornell that the author weaves in amongst the Gibbs/Tony stuff. "Her Hand in His" [...]
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Thanks so much for the review! It definitely makes me want to write some more. <3
On that note- have you seen the look on Tony's face when Ziva says "so you will die with me." ? His eyes, good lord. I about keeled over.
OMG. The look in his eyes every time she speaks just brings on a whirlwind of emotions from me. I just will never be able to get over: "Tried...couldn't." It just leaves me speechless. Speaking of keeling over, this entire episode did that to me. Plus Reunion and Good Cop, Bad Cop and Jetlag...and the Christmas episode. I can only hope that there are such good scenes in store for us this season. *fingers crossed*
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