Title: Everything Author: emilyia Prompt Number: 22, submitted by ceredwensirius Rating: PG Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius Summary: Everything had changed after the war. Warnings: Angst Word Count: 1980
Oh, honey, you broke my heart and then broke it some more and then oh, you fixed it!
This is a lovely portrait of two men who have seen so much, lost too much, and are having trouble finding their way back to each other. You say so much about who they are in so few words. It just feels so much like them, the characterizations are perfect and the whole thing is so ouchie in the most wonderful of ways!
And you don't fix them entirely and that is wonderful too, because in canon, they are broken, broken men aren't they. Oh, wonderful pups!
Thank you so much for writing my prompt. This is lovely and I am going to go rec it right now!
This is such a well crafted fic. The pain both Sirius and Remus experience is incredibly vivid. It feels very true to their canon characters.
I too love how you don't fix them entirely. These two have a long road to recovery if they ever hope to have a chance at living normally. Too much has happened to them and transpired between them for it to be a quick fix.
I also enjoyed Teddy in this. This is my first experience with Sirius being alive when Remus and Tonks have Teddy, and I absolutely loved it.
Only peek into this fandom now and again but came over since ceredwensirius mentioned that you kept the angst of canon in this piece. She's right. You did and did it beautifully.
Everyone's haunted here and they all miss someone and I swear my eyes prickled over George's loss, and still feel it keenly as I did when I read HP7. You have all that pain here so vividly expressed and it's quite fitting.
Oh, this is so wonderful. It's such a painfully raw look at two men who've been fighting all their lives and who've given everything to their cause, holding nothing back for themselves. They seem so hollow and broken. I adore that you used the full moon and Remus' 'curse' to connect them once again. This is so achy and wonderful.
Comments 9
This is a lovely portrait of two men who have seen so much, lost too much, and are having trouble finding their way back to each other. You say so much about who they are in so few words. It just feels so much like them, the characterizations are perfect and the whole thing is so ouchie in the most wonderful of ways!
And you don't fix them entirely and that is wonderful too, because in canon, they are broken, broken men aren't they. Oh, wonderful pups!
Thank you so much for writing my prompt. This is lovely and I am going to go rec it right now!
This is such a well crafted fic. The pain both Sirius and Remus experience is incredibly vivid. It feels very true to their canon characters.
I too love how you don't fix them entirely. These two have a long road to recovery if they ever hope to have a chance at living normally. Too much has happened to them and transpired between them for it to be a quick fix.
I also enjoyed Teddy in this. This is my first experience with Sirius being alive when Remus and Tonks have Teddy, and I absolutely loved it.
Everyone's haunted here and they all miss someone and I swear my eyes prickled over George's loss, and still feel it keenly as I did when I read HP7. You have all that pain here so vividly expressed and it's quite fitting.
Lovely piece.
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