Finals suck. Only having one grade posted so far sucks too. At least the one I have is a B, which is better than I've done in any class in a couple of semesters. I guess I should be happy about that. Crawfish boil is this weekend! Hopefully it will be fun idolizing Jason Mraz from the audience.
I will be getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning. Not fun.
However, I will be having some people over Saturday night to watch Rent and feel sorry for myself.
Come if you want.
Tell me how this works - last economics test - studied my ass off - 82 This economics test - didn't even know it was today - 85 Maybe I should stop studying all
There are exactly 78 days of class this semester. I am going to try my best to go to all* of them. If nothing else, my motivation is going to be proving to my parents that I can graduate from college.