ohmygosh, its been like years since ive updated! wooops! too much 2 do with school and crap! well, we've got the TBS+MCR conerto tmorrow, even though we have no idea how we're getting there yet..or where it even is!! woooopp! we are sooooooooooo gonna be RAWWKKINN out, and crowd surfing WWOOOOO
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HO HO HO!..Merry Christmas! =) hehe! well, guess where ive just been, thats right..THE BATH!! unfortunately my tail is still formed, should dry up soon tho, its hard to get down the stairs with that! ohmygosh..i need Screwball Scramble the game for xmas...i had it as a likkle kid and I NEEEED it again!..wwooww..<333 its such an aces game
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*hits self* why do i never update anymore. well im just gonna use the excuse this time that ive had LOTS of revision, which i have..fooking mocks
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well..its the 1st of December, and im lettin this journal writing slip a little! ok, alot! shame on me, i will try and write more in here, thers just soo much bloody revision to do for stoopid mocks! ergh! thank GOD i have a day off 2morrow! 2DAY was probably the mosy annoying so far! Maths and HIst...aarghhh!! spent soooo much time revising for
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wwooaaahh..its been like a month or something since i last updated..just wanna say tht im still alive!! and HHEEYY!! i really cannot be bummed 2 update much at thee mojo as my bedroom is sooo cold and ive been sat up here long enough! my fingers are so fcukin freezing i think they may drop off! i think im going to go have some toast now tho, may
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hhmm..weeeelll yesterday was fuN! had work 11-3 which was quite good! i like sats..nice and busy!! ..=) 2day isnt as busy and we're hardly doing anything!! TWICE i got taken off thee tilss do to clothing..ergh! how am i supposed to tidy up when half the stuff doesnt even have a hanger!! annyywwaayyy!..i like the sunday crew! always some1 to have a
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