why does this sensation insie keep burning? where does our love live and die? this chain aroun my heart wont stop hurting. stop coming back to me you all just lies!
im skipping school right now and i migth go in late. i read emily's lj and im not going to be able to spend the night *cries*** god damn it that really sucks because my mom was going to let me.
yeah i went to this consert with zoe and emily and rebbeca but i dont think they really care about me and i feel really bad cause i was making marks on mi arms and everyone got said (alot of zoe though) and i felt really bad i felt like breaking down in tears i be sorreh everyone!
get away from me you have brought to much pain. stop making me cry and die agian in the rain. where is the love in that. you make my heart stop beating in 0.0 seconds flat.
im here alone and i see your face in my mind. but your not hurting me your just making me kind.