martin luther king jr. would've cried if he had seen the civil rights movement today. its a bunch of minorities spouting the evils of white males and asking for handouts. no offense.
umm so are you saying that just bc i'm a minority that i bitch about the evils of white males and ask for handouts? and umm actually most of my friends that are part of political movements aren't minorities but are in face white males. thanks for the offense though.
no, i'm saying that anybody involved in a civil rights movement today is not out for equality, as mlk was, but benefits just for being a minority. the gay movement wants the benefits of marriage (tax cuts, government help, those things) with none of the responsibility (having and raising a child in a healthy home), the current black rights movement wants reparations or affirmative action programs (read: racism), and what do the women want? who knows, they can do whatever they want, we don't really care. the government has NO right to tell a business owner, a college, or somebody selling a house that they are not allowed to stand by their convictions, that to refuse service to somebody based on personal factors is illegal. its bullshit. a property owner should have complete and total control over their property.
umm james, your an ass first of all. second of all, "the gay movement wants the benefits of marriage (tax cuts, government help, those things) with none of the responsibility (having and raising a child in a healthy home)" who are you to say that a gay person doesn't want to have a child? and in a healthy home? thanks for telling me i'm not fit to raise my own kids. and as for everything else you said, i don't think you actually understand what is going on in such a movement. women would like it if they were paid the same ammount as their male counterpart, as they don't in out current society. are you saying that that is just trying to get benifits? is that not a strive for equality? who are to fucking say that just bc i'm a minority and i happen to be political and fight for equality that i'm just doing it for fucking benifits. i'm taking you off my friends list, dont' read my journal anymore.
how, exactly, is a gay person supposed to have a child? adoption? you can adopt a child without being married. do employers not have the right to decide how much to pay someone? do employees (women, in this case) not have the choice to find other employment? neither party is legally obligated to provide anything for the other. the government taking a role in interactions between individuals is wrong. the government should have no say about anything other than defense, law, and policing. for them to regulate the interactions of individuals is statism, and we purport to be a democracy. the constitution was designed to be a limit on government, not individuals.
how is a gay person to have a child? hmm i don't know by joining an egg and a sperm? just because you are gay doesn't meant that your reproductive organs don't work. yeah you might have a kid with someone that you are physically attracted to but that doesn't mean you can't have a family. marriage isn't even about that. if it were then my mom wouldn't have kids. however though you can have a family without marriage you can't die and have your children stay with your partner, or have your partner come see you in the hospital, or plan your funeral or do any of the things that we privilege married people. and if you can tell me a business that pays women just as well as it pays men then yes i would say your arguement works. but if every place is paying you less because of your gender then THERE'S NO PLACE TO GO! and the princple is that it shouldn't have to be that way. someone shouldn't be payed less or more based on their race, ethinicity, gender, sexual ortientation, physical ableness. If they can do the job as good as the
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marriage is about reproduction. if marriage were about "loving" someone, or wanting a partner, then why can't we marry our dogs or cats? because that destroys the meaning of the word. in that case, and in the case of a gay relationship, marriage becomes another word for partner, friend, or "thing i like". theres a reason that the women/man you spend your life with is called your wife/husband. it implies a commitment to reproduce with a single person. you can't be married to your cat because reproduction is not implied in the relationship. reproduction can not be implied in a gay relationship
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