Title: Mindless Nonsense (Loosely follows
No Nonsense)
enchanted_jaeFandom: Harry Potter
Character(s): Neville/Charlie
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual situation
Word count: 100
Summary: Neville's plans to spend NYE alone have happily gone awry.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for
digthewriter, who requested a steamy drabble, any slash pairing
emotion100 Prompt No. 36 - yearning
ficlet_zone Prompt No. 82 - Better Off Ted. I chose: Get Happy
neville100 Prompt No. 556 - urgent
Neville stumbled from his Floo, hands grasping a soft jumper while warm lips latched onto his neck and sucked.
"Bed, bedroom," Neville stammered, voice urgent with rising lust.
"Sofa," Charlie rumbled, propelling Neville across the room and toppling him onto it.
Neville didn't care. He'd wanted Charlie Weasley forever it seemed. Longing, pining, yearning for him. Charlie stretched out atop him, his hands working feverishly to divest Nev of his clothing. Neville arched up, his cock eager to get happy with another person for once.
It was a new year, and Neville was ready to indulge in some mindless nonsense.