Oh Hey, Community Meme~

Jun 30, 2008 09:10

►The Character Characterization Meme◄
★☆How Is → YOUR CHARACTER'S← Driving?☆★

So, uh... Who's up for a little semi-mandatory community meme? ♥

Alright, the rules are simple, you make an OOC entry in your characters journal titled 'How's My Driving?' (or any variation of it; what the post contains does not matter, also), and then use the code (provided below) to pimp whore link it to the OOC community.

Once you do that, just sit back, relax, and wait for these lazy bums to critique.

Now, remember, if you want to get some constructive criticism on your character's characterization, you have to give out some critique yourself. So please, remember that there is a huge difference from criticism and flaming.

For example, criticism is providing was for the player to improve their characterization, and giving examples of how it could work; certainly not saying 'You suck!', or 'GTFO! X-CHARACTER WOULDN'T DO THAT!!'. That is called flaming, and is frowned upon in this RP.

If you have any questions, or anything, don't hesitate to ask here. Otherwise, enjoy~

Here's the code.
http://community.livejournal.com/enlevement_ooc/38821.html">The Character Characterization Meme

*community meme, *mod announcement

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