The eighth square at last!

Jun 24, 2011 03:26

Who: Everyone!
Where: The chessboard hills
When: Monday, June 26, all day
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Summary: Tweedledee and Tweedledum have agreed to have a battle
The Story:
On Monday, the entire mansion will wake up to find announcement fliers pinned papering every door and wall and even the floor in some places.

You are CORDIALLY invited to the chess match
Because TWEEDLEDEE needs to stop breaking things that DON'T BELONG to her
The game begins at TEN O'CLOCK
~Complementary Refreshments Provided~
And below is a list of the teams and their assigned pieces. Tweedledee and Tweedledum, still stubbornly appearing as twin girls, have each carefully chosen their pieces for their game of chess. 'Dum, as the challenger, had the opportunity to pick first, and she has chosen to direct the Queen's mirrors. 'Dee, left with the real things, thinks that she probably had an advantage. They are real after all, and those others are just reflections.

To one side of the field are the stands, and the audience, made up of mirrors and real things, will find just enough seating for everyone who wants to attend, forcing them to mingle to some degree. To one side is, the vendors have set up a refreshment stand. Across the board is a raised platform where Tweedledum and Tweedledee stand with bullhorns in hand.

At precisely ten, whether everyone has settled in or not, the Twins raise their bullhorns. Somehow, with only that much amplification, they are easily heard by everyone.

"Thank you for attending! To begin, we will announce the prizes!"

"If the real things on the Black side win, each of you will be granted an additional death! So luxurious~!"
"And if the mirror things on my White team win--" And Tweedledum pauses for a moment, smiling at her team. "--by order of the Queen, they get to become real things forever!"

"We're counting on you!"
And that is all they have to say before they begin to play.


♥ Those "pieces" who choose to obey the summons will have time to gather any items or weapons they might want to have with them. Those who don't heed the fliers will find themselves suddenly and instantly transported to their square on the chessboard when the 10:00 am rolls around.

♥ Each player sports an armband (since mirrors do tend to look so like their counterparts ♥), black for the real things and white for the mirros, with the shape of their assigned chess piece printed in the opposite color.

♥ Pieces will find that they can't leave their assigned spots--not until they're told what square to move to by either Tweedledee or Tweedledum. And if they refuse to move, after a couple of moments, an unseen force will scoot them along to their new space.

♥ When threading moves on the board, please find the appropriate thread under which to comment! It might be helpful to label your thread with which moves/encounter you're playing out.

♥ Players on the board can not communicate with those in the stands and vice versa (other than by jumping around and flailing, I guess). However, players on the board can communicate directly with those in squares adjacent to them, and via a mini-network of comm devices set up specifically for the game. Since some pieces have a lot of down time, feel free to have them chat with others on the board while they're waiting around.

♥ Directions from the Twins can be assumed, but players can also talk to them if they want. Muns should PM twixt_dee_n_dum or IM Kristen-mod at MadMadPhineas if they want their character(s) to interact with the twins during this log.

♥ The plotting and info post for this log is here. Have fun!]
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