Who: Dave Strider, Bro Strider, John Egbert, Santana Lopez, Dean Winchester, Puck, maybe a wild Baby Penguin Kurt Hummel
Where: Tearoom
When: Tuesday, October 25th
Rating: T for sexual explanations and language
Summary: Sex Education 101 is now beginning!
The Story: (
We're plotting our demise )
So shut up, geez.
He hovered about a foot above his bed, flipping the pages with little bursts of air.
This would be why she is standing in the hallway and leading off with some nice, simple video.
"Hey, Johnny, whatcha doing?"
"Oh, just hanging around. Hehehe. Did you need something?"
"Yes, actually. I'm gonna need you to step outside for a second. I'll wait."
And she clicks off. There is no chance for negotiations here.
Oh. Geez, this must be important! What important thing could she need? So importantly?
John takes a moment to fantasize, then stuffs those fantasies away into a box and swings out into the hallway.
"Hey! What's up?"
To set the scene, let it be known that Santana is wearing really short shorts and a tank top. You know. If that's important at all.
"Do you have a jacket I can borrow?"
"Uh, yeah! But can't you just...get one out of the closet?"
Did she forget or something? That's...kinda weird.
Of course it has to stop for the entire two seconds it takes him to run inside and grab a jacket, but then he's there again, sort of trying to insinuate his shoulder back under her finger. Go on, his shoulder says, I'm right here. Waiting.
Or something.
"It's red. You like red, right? Um. Here." He hands it to her, his movements awkward and stiff. He almost hits her, kinda, but he doesn't, and that is what matters.
It's mostly hilarious.
Anyway, Santana smiles sweetly and takes the offered jacket, then doesn't even put it on. She just sort of puts it over one bare shoulder.
"I love red, thanks." Now her whole hand is on his shoulder! Don't faint. "Hey, let's go for a walk."
No seriously, stop that.
John follows her, fiddling with his hood as they go. "Did you wanna talk about something? Is...is everything okay or...?"
"Why would anything be wrong?" Sudden suspicion!
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