Hey guys! Now that I’ve survived the 35 hour travel day from hell (after kicking a copious amount of glorious ass at Worlds), all the mods are together again. Which means party time it’s time to get down to business.
SHOULD ENTRANCEWAY MOVE TO DREAMWIDTH?This will be a discussion post with anonymous enabled (if you give us bullshit,* we’re at
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Comments 76
If we do move and switch to community based, can we like.. make it a Thing to NOT delete our LJ-versions, even if we import everything? I mean, I don't.. really see why we would, but just in case? I, and everyone else, I'm pretty sure, would not want all our links to tracked threads to be broken, sob.
And learning-a-new-website related, which is sort of a bigger hiccup (you guys I am really really dumb about some of these things, I still haven't really learned how to fancy up a livejournal), but...I'd get around it. I'm just lazy and tech nervous, I'll have fun once I get started.
Overall I do think it would be the better thing for everyone, and also for the game--because if rpers are moving away from lj en masse, that means less new applicants for eway, and that's kind of an important thing, isn't it?
So. I guess Dreamwidth.
So I wouldn't worry too much about that <3
I...never customized much on LJ anyway, just used a premade journal layout and ran with it.
Either way, I'm liking the comm-based game plan. We wouldn't have to keep adding and removing each others' journals. They're either part of the community or they're not, and if they post, everybody will see right away, not just the people who happened to be around when they posted the 'please add me!' intros.
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