My official online farewell. I wont see any of you (cept claire and maybe hannah) for several months. Its so odd that I have to say goodbye digitally. I've created this being for myself for others, some of whom have never met me. Ah, well. I'll miss you all. Life is so crazy. So for this Journal, its
Write me. I'd like to hear form you.
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Ive really just been hanging out with ym friends all week, which has been fast and fabulous and awesome. We've been wandering, going to shows, wreaking havoc, and jumping all over eachother. last night we went to Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Belcourt. Awesome as fuck. And this super neat kid Marley from Paducah has been staying with me for a
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I'm starting to um, see things that aren't there. Not full-blown hallucinations, but out of the corner of my eye I'll see movement where there's nothing. I'll see faces in glass of people who arent around. It's not drugs. I'm sort of worried. This shit is getting strange. I've also lost all visual memory. If I shut my eyes, I can't see anything.
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I hung out with a bunch of people a bunch of different times today, some of them probably for the last time. Red, Israel, Mikey, Addie, Ivan, Jesse 1, Jeff, Nathan, probably forgot a bunch. Heh. We peirced Mikey and Red's ears
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Ah, Christmas. Whatever. I don't really care. It was cool for like 10 minutes this morning. Then Addie and I ditched our families (they didn;t really care either) to go to Jesses house (the one who lives here) and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas
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I got a really odd email yesterday. From a friend I met at camp once and that I havn't talked to in... 4 years? Anyway, he said he was going traveling, and hes gone pretty radical, and he wants to hop a train to come see me. Pretty cool, but very weird, no
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Heh. Hooray for all nighters. I'm about to study for my spanish exam, which I hear no one has passed. Whatever. I get out of school at 9:15 tommorrow
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For my final exam in Im performing a monologue from SLC Punk, to which I have a diehard loyalty, no matter how dumb it is. I had to edit out 14 "fucks", but I should be ok leaving in everyhting else...