Sep 05, 2009 20:36

◦ ◦ ◦ Hell yeah, I ship it. ◦ ◦ ◦

☆ One claim per user, one user per claim. Mods get two claims.
☆ First come, first served. Don't be a douchewaffle about it.
☆ Please put "I ship it" in your subject line? :3
☆ I AM LAZY AND BAD AT ADDING CLAIMS just see the Vocaloid blogcrew I tried to make DDD: so if I don't add yours after a while you can just take it!
☆ FICTIONAL CHARACTERS ONLY. No musicians, actors, etc. Sorry!
☆ also claiming Twilight characters is bad and you should feel bad
☆ Watch epicfaggotry! And omegles!
☆ DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY CLAIMS danyellalot ;A;

Ace Attorney
Franziska von Karma & Miles Edgeworth - halcyon_queen

Archie Comics
Jughead & Betty ~ mewshoo

Axis Powers Hetalia
America & England ~ kirkland
Pirate!England & England ~ kirkland
Spain & South Italy ~ lovino
Taiwan & Greece ~ wushihimexx
Austria & Hungary - halcyon_queen
Prussia & Germany - rossovsky
Italy & Germany - haircurl
Prussia & S. Italy ~ xhadowkiss
Prussia & Russia ~ crossdressings
England & Japan ~ pyol
Japan & Korea ~ mishima
Russia & America ~ crimsondream13

Urahara & Yoruichi ~ colorfulkizuna

Card Captor Sakura
Sakura & Syaoran ~ startingfromnow

Code Gayass
Kallen & Lelouch ~ bottledenigma
Rivalz Cardemonde & Nunnally vi Britannia ~ watanuki_power

Dragon Knights
Rath & Cesia ~ orgel

Eden of the East
Akira & Saki ~ kaorutsukkiko

Fullmetal Alchemist
Alfons Heiderich & Edward Elric ~ shoats
Alfons Heiderich & Winry Rockbell ~ xhadowkiss

Katawa Shoujo
Lilly & Hanako ~ danyellalot

Kingdom Hearts
Larxene & Demyx ~ evershadowangel
Axel & Roxas ~ rokeru
Axel & Sora ~ ladycloche
Demyx & Vexen ~ eh-truffle

Pandora Hearts
Lotti & Vincent Nightray ~ shoats
Gilbert & Eliot ~ xtiggzie
Sharon Rainsworth & Eliot Nightray ~ rinmei

Hibari Kyouya & Mukuro Rokudou - xtiggzie
Ken & Chrome ~ staticphrase
Mukuro & Kyouko ~ valerya_deidara
Feng & Giotto ~ peyly

Soul Eater
Soul Eater Evans & Maka Albarn ~ rokeru

CLAIM http://community.livejournal.com/epicfaggotry/29694.html">& CLAIM
◦ ◦ ◦ Hell yeah, I ship it. ◦ ◦ ◦

!kate, ships

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