Wed, 16:02: RT @ evanbernick: For those interested, the case concerned whether the Constitution allows a county to seize a 94-year-old woman’s $40,000 c…
Wed, 16:05: RT @ ZoAndBehold: I have been informed that during tomorrow’s floor session there will be a motion to either censure or expel me
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Tue, 12:12: RT @ NBCNews: SPECIAL REPORT: A 13-year-old boy was publicly groomed for weeks on Twitter, abducted, driven across state lines, and prosecut…
Mon, 14:39: RT @ SirEviscerate: You might see this and think "wow, a 3D vinyl cat decal on the inside of a toilet lid, that's messed up". You rube.
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Sat, 17:12: RT @ 1followernodad: I’m looking to speak to someone ANONYMOUSLY about traveling out of state for an abortion and how their partner did or d…
Sun, 07:38: RT @ steinkobbe: You can tell Twitter Blue is a good product because the only two ways to get it is to pay for it or make the owner of
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Thu, 14:00: RT @ JamilSmith: You can discover more about my mother here. Also, please find her research, buy or borrow her books, and read all about her…
Thu, 09:31: RT @ uppittynegress: Hmm so teens can't gather in public, can't use social media. Libraries are being defunded. But they can get married an…
Thu, 09:32: RT @ barefootboomer: #OTD in 1995 an anti-government, white supremacist, right wing terrorist and Army veteran set off a truck bomb in front…
Tue, 16:24: RT @ LeslieMac: I want to talk about this publicly because the expectations put on Black people when trauma happens to one of our own are un…
Tue, 16:24: RT @ LeslieMac: The unfair burden on us to shoulder the brunt of reactions and calls to action is YET ANOTHER way white supremacy is perpetu…