AS one of my friends told me hers just turned nine years old today, I remembered this existed, and I thought I'd drop another HOLY HELL THIS EXISTS posts
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Well, I just remembered I had this thing, when someone sent me Utada Hikaru's entire discography, unfortunalty, I can no longer access it. :(
Also, it would be nice for people to be ...... around ... at night. because, the one time I get home early, every decides to go to bed. at ten. ON A SATURDAY. FFS!
Well, it seems that i have everyone reading bleach. ...wait, are people following me? NO WAI. really, i am amused by my own train of thought. And to celebrate, i for-had stomeoneph make me an avatar. XD ....yumichika is soooo frewaaakin gay. =.= EDIT: looked it up.