While Jesse and Carolynne are in plennary, Michelle and I talk on MSN. In the same room. All this after we ate our second dose of sandwiches, from yesterday.
Also, i missed breakfast again. I'm pissed. There was bacon. "Boo-hiss" -- Burkholder, Carolynne, 01/19/06
There once was a newswriter from the Ubyssey Who wanted to get rid of the flubessy So he sneezed and he sneezed Until the flu was released and then he was re-named chewbessy.
My sleeping schedule is Ree-tarded. went to bed at a really reasonable time, woke up at 2 in the morning. Couldn't go back to sleep. Got up to go to the BOG meeting. Woops, it starts at 9, not 8
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