Title: 24/7 Rating: PG-13 Pairing: WonKyu Siwon/Kyuhyun Summary: Kyuhyun would love to say that his romance began in a coffee shop with shy smiles but it didn’t. It started with a kidnapping and his stalker. Notes: AU.
Loved this chapter. It's disturbing how Kyu is beginning to accept his feelings of helplessness. I pity Hyukkie and Sungmin and I'm still wondering how Kangin fits into all these. You're creating more questions but you're not giving me more answers. You're such a tease author-ssi! ;p
>.< It's getting so intense! Gosh these chapters are absolutely killing me! I just want to know how it's going to end!!! Wahh!
-cough- Great job on this fic, it's super interesting. I absolutely get what Kyuhyun is feeling - trapped but secure, scared yet safe, fearful yet happy - it's a great mix of emotions that are just making me anxious to see how WonKyu will play out. I can't wait to find out how all these people are 'saved' and how Siwon will woo Kyuhyun (not that it looks like it's going to take much effort at this point ;D).
Can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck on your history exam! (I think that's what a 'mock' is? O.o)
I really want to get to chapter 8 because I have this scene I want to write for WonKyu...it'll be like the most prominent wooing Siwon will be doing >.<
Kyuhyun may just be getting a visit from someone that could cause a rift...or you know I'm just messing with you...
I'm sorry I didn't read the last chapter until now -_- I think I missed it when going back through my friends' page BUT I'M BACK And I still love this And I'm still mostly confused, but I enjoy the feeling Siwon's so scary and creepy D: But in that way where it's interesting and you just can't stop looking or reading in this case You're doing such a fantastic job! *throws cookies* ♥
Thank you for the cookies! I'm happy to hear that it's intriguing you~ I promise Siwon is really sweet underneath all his crazy-creepy-stalker tendencies...
Siwon is so creepy. He is a stalker. I think he's been stalking Kyu for a long time. I get how Kyu's feeling here, the contradiction, confusion and curiosity. Really looking forward for the next chapter
Comments 15
Thank you for commenting! ^__^
-cough- Great job on this fic, it's super interesting. I absolutely get what Kyuhyun is feeling - trapped but secure, scared yet safe, fearful yet happy - it's a great mix of emotions that are just making me anxious to see how WonKyu will play out. I can't wait to find out how all these people are 'saved' and how Siwon will woo Kyuhyun (not that it looks like it's going to take much effort at this point ;D).
Can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck on your history exam! (I think that's what a 'mock' is? O.o)
Kyuhyun may just be getting a visit from someone that could cause a rift...or you know I'm just messing with you...
And I still love this
And I'm still mostly confused, but I enjoy the feeling
Siwon's so scary and creepy D: But in that way where it's interesting and you just can't stop looking or reading in this case
You're doing such a fantastic job!
*throws cookies*
Thank you for the cookies! I'm happy to hear that it's intriguing you~ I promise Siwon is really sweet underneath all his crazy-creepy-stalker tendencies...
I mean he'd never hurt Kyuhyun~
Thank you for your comment! ^^
Thank you for the kind words! :)
Siwon is so scary!
Hope you can update it soon ^^
I hope you'll stick around for the next chapter! Thank you for reading ^__^
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