Today, at the dentist's office, I saw a crane lift a port-a-potty like a bajillion stories higher than any of the buildings around it and then set it down several blocks away. It was very exciting.
Now you can creep me out in COMPLETE ANONYMITY instead of that fake-ass Internet "oooh guess what my username REALLY MEANS" anonymity. I even posted this publicly so that you can do it if you're a jerk and I hate you and you're stalking me. (But, um, please don't?) (Also, these things DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE TO BE CREEPY people.)
Hey, OK, remember that one time a bunch of countries were fighting this one war that was endless and terrible and propelled by chest-thumping jingoistic nonsense and finally everybody was like OK ENOUGH ALREADY OK and so instead of anybody waving white flags or Mission Accomplished banners they were all (all of them!) like OK, on the eleventh hour
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...that I do not dislike it when people stamp their feet on the floor! I also frequently say inappropriate things! My sense of humor is sometimes inappropriate! People have commented on my posture or gait! I sometimes do not care if people do not want to hear me talk about my special interests and talk about them anyway! I like to wear makeup! I
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(This feels like the exact moment in life when your parents come home and it's time to hide the booze and clean up the Doritos someone barfed all over the coffee table. Like they won't know anyway, right?)