In the HOW FUCKING COOL IS THIS department,
burnfor recorded a podcast of Stumbling Across Its Bleak Ending, AND
cybel created a podbook with a cover. *bounces* I'm kind of ridiculously excited about this. Podcast! Podbook! Hooray! I also have the podcast of
Guardians of a Rare Thing that
mirabile_dictu did for my birthday last year... I can upload that again if anyone
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Comments 53
And you know, I'm sorry, but I will never ever be convinced that the "you're writing slash? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" argument has anything to do with anything BUT raging homophobia. There are plenty of people in fandoms all across the damn internet who manage to not be into slash or find it hot or interesting or whatever without continuously talking about how they just find it a terrible thing to do with the canon and so on. I know and have known plenty of lovely people who just aren't interested in Wincest, or whatever omg hawt slash pairing is the popular one. I've been that person. These people are an entirely different breed from the fan who's just more interested in het fic or gen fic. They're out and out upset that gay exists near them in fandom. And I'm sorry, but talking about how much you "know" about THE GAYS isn't a ( ... )
It's sort of the opposite, I think. If you have to pull the "some of my best friends are gay/black/Muslim/women/whatever" card, it's generally a pretty good indicator that you're prejudiced but feel it doesn't count in your case.
And yeah, it's complete homophobia. Non-canonical het pairings never raise this kind of outcry... it's all about the icky buttsex.
Sometimes it's just cool to be read to, so would you mind uploading the podcast of Guardians of a Rare Thing for someone you don't know? I would really appreciate it.
Yes, of course I want you to upload it. In fact, if it doesn't already exist as a podbook, I want to compile one SO BAD!
GIMMEE! In a nice and completely mature, hopeful manner, of course.
P.S. That macro is the best thing ever! LOLcats couldn't have done it better--except for the cats, of course.
And heee, yes. The macro is sixteen kinds of awesome.
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WHere are these people when male and female characters are pushed together when there's seemingly nothing on screen to put them together? It's funny, while there are some people who object to het pairings that don't seem right to them, most of the people who object to slash by this argument don't say the same for het pairings. I guess there's no way that it could seem OOC if it's m/f, right? -rolls eyes-
Mostly it's just people being morons, though.
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