Series: Hunter's Path
Pairing: James/Claudia
Word Count: 611
24hour_themes prompt: 02:00- Ridding partnerships or relationships of negativity
Master List Infitialis |
Latere |
Abeo |
Obsidis |
Videlicet |
Praesidium |
Transitus |
Mutatio |
Umbra |
Terminare |
Constantia |
Autus |
Salvus |
Gubernatio |
Spero |
Animus |
Consensio |
Discrimen |
Consilium |
Veritas |
Phoebus |
Fortuna |
Sensus |
Victoria She wore an expression that was at once the most determined, sour, and resigned face he'd ever seen from her in the months she'd been back. No, he'd not seen her look so unhappy since she'd left here nearly a year ago. It wasn't a look he'd ever wannted or expected to see her wear again, and until either she decided to talk or he pestered her into giving up the details, all he could do was hope that whatever it was she was considering so hard and was obviously so unpleasant to her wasn't her leaving again.
Finally she looked away from the spot on the wall she'd been trying to glare a hole in, briefly seeming surprised he was there. Her face smoothed over quickly, though, as she demanded, "Why are you here, boytoy?"
He rocked back in his chair, balancing it precariously on two legs. "Mostly waiting to see why the hell you've been making that horrible face. It's not exactly an improvement."
Claudia frowned, but she didn't toss back an insult immediately -- and that was little alarming. He shifted just slightly in his chair, the legs scraping quietly on the floor. "I've been thinking..." She trailed off, waiting for whatever comment he was going to toss out. He bit his tongue, though; it would be better to save it up till he had plenty of ammunition to utilize. "I was thinking," she began again, a little hesitantly, probably at his lack of reaction, "that I want to try to get in touch with Sean."
"Weren't you the one who said it would be a bad idea to get back in touch with the Order?" he asked once he'd recovered from the surprise. It definitely hadn't been what he was expecting. In fact, it was nowhere even in the same league.
She directed a baleful glare at him. "I said Sean, not the Order, didn't I, Jamey? And it's not like I'd been calling right now: it's 2 a.m. over there," she returned with a half glance at the clock on the far wall behind him. "Not even you're that rude."
"Only under the right circumstances," he quipped dryly.
"So I, what, have a talent for hitting the 'right circumstances'?" she fired back immediately. "How did I get so damn lucky?"
He smirked slightly. "Some kind of weird luck?"
"Or maybe it's just that I'm the only one who can stand to be around you for any length of time?" She didn't give him a chance to make a rebound comment before she changed the subject. "Thanks for listening. I guess I just wanted to see if it was a stupid idea to, you know, try to clear the air. He is my brother, after all."
James shrugged, staying silent. He'd hardly had a chance to get to meet her pseudo-brother when he was here before -- mainly because Sean was only here a little over two days during his previous visit -- to know if he would hand her over to the Order, who were probably still none too happy with her. By now, he knew her well enough to know she'd do whatever she wanted to, regardless of any advise to the contrary she might receive, but if this didn't end up going down the way she was hoping...
Calling someone, brother or no, who was a member of an organization one had left and who were likely out for one's blood... It didn't exactly bode well. But if the situation did end up as bad as he feared it might, he'd be there to deal with the fallout... and hopefully that wouldn't include bodies.