[Katekyou Hitman Reborn!]: "The Grey King" (conclusion to 'The Jungle', Hibari/Chrome, and sometimes

Feb 29, 2008 20:14

Well, folks, here we have it. My era of ripping titles off of classic literature authors has now come to end. I'm sure you're all very aggrieved. Well, fear not! I'll be sure to leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth with this fic for days to come! :D ( Read more... )

teh lori's fanfiction

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Comments 57

runesque March 1 2008, 07:39:31 UTC
Demiiiiiiiii <3333333.

Okay, first thing first. I need to be honest with you and... it's that I need to reread everything in one go thrice more. Why? Because I slept at 5AM today and in this silly!fangirl state my brain couldn't process most of your brilliant references and double entendres and subtleties. So this so-called "crit" is merely the impressions I came away with. Right. Impressionz:

I've told you this before but I freaking love your take on Hibari like nobody else's. Not suuuuuure about why he wants Chrome free of her dependency if it gives him nothing in return since this is a character whom we're not sure is even human YET but all in good fun and, uh, fapping fun what am I talking about. And I feel your desperation to squeeze Mukuro in amidst the 1896-ing (it's my fault) but I was thoroughly amused that you admitted that he's simply LOL-ing and chiding in amidst all that XDDDD.

Now smut: HOT WOMAN HOT!!!!! Just one thing bothered me and it's 13 versus indefinite. But there's no other way to do this since the adult ( ... )


runesque March 1 2008, 12:49:02 UTC
And also, you DEFINITELY have to post this to the comm. Although, you're right, let's take your time deciding if you do want to do that. Or if you want to polish a few bits that you find rough beforehand. For one, I'm just concerned about the sudden "influx" of 1896 over there (with "influx" we're really talking about one fic per week but, since this is an unpopular pairing, one 1896 every week is like the equivalent of TWENTY D18 a day LOL j/k XDDDD). In a way that voyeuristic Hibari fic I requested felt like an opener to "The Raven" (both of you posted several hours apart from each other, I think) and it'll be. Very. Idunno. If both fic posts bear my name on them. I'm just insecure, can't you tell? ;_____; even though no one obviously pays attention to my name being mentioned.

Am going to reread "The Raven" tomorrow. And I hope you'll be online sometime today because I'm itching to interview you about a number of things here.


kill_me_faster March 1 2008, 16:03:01 UTC
Uh, my ability to be on the Internets is rather...nonexistent. Especially because our time zones are so weird. BUT FEEL FREE TO ASK ME A BUNCH OF QUESTIONS ANYWAY.

Also, eh, I just figured I'd let you read this first/pimp it/whatever, before I posted it to any communities. Plus, bahahaha, I WAS kind of annoyed at the sudden influx of 1896 considering I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR WEEKS BEFORE ANY OF THAT STARTED, but oh well.


runesque March 1 2008, 16:16:28 UTC
I will pimp it to my flist at least, along with your Gokudera. And I do worry that I can't match your req result in grandness so I'll be chucking in a lot of random stuff in that same post. I asked you if you liked Sicily and you said you DIDN'T MIND. Don't forget that XD ( ... )


realms_of_life March 2 2008, 06:34:43 UTC
Yay, just finished reading. I loved it, and will review later (it's 3:33 in the morning now and you deserve better than that). I also have QUESTIONS. So, mmm, be afraid. XD


kill_me_faster March 2 2008, 08:00:32 UTC
XD;; "Questions"? Rune similarly had questions. WAS IT REALLY SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND? *sweat*


realms_of_life March 2 2008, 16:46:49 UTC
Haha, no it was not hard at all. But I will get there. Now I shaw review. XD ( ... )


kill_me_faster March 3 2008, 02:16:26 UTC
AHHHHHHHHHHH, I LOVE YOUR REVIEWS. ♥ ♥ ♥ This, alongside with all of Rune's squeeing, has SERIOUSLY FUCKING MADE MY DAY which is great because my days have totally been in need to have been made, as of late. (*sigh*) To get in-character praise was JUST what I wanted to hear because the characterization was something that had been bothering me so much that I wanted to die, jfad;fkdasfk;adsfks.

And, well, despite my whining about it, TGK was actually pretty fun to write, and I'm ultimately glad I did it. While the ending to the last part could have been taken as this kind of avant-garde, stand-alone kind of ending, I still felt like that would have been a cop-out so I persevered. (Plus, ooh, writing about the Vindice! DID WANT.) I was glad that it wasn't boring. Sometimes I worried that the long blocks of "OOH LOOKIT ALL THIS TEXTUAL ACTION THAT WOULD BE FAR MORE INTERESTING IN AN ACTUAL MANGA" text was kind of...well, dull. So I'm glad you enjoyed it. XD;;

Dante's Inferno is one of my favorite reads ever, honestly. I'd wanted to put ( ... )


gomimushi March 4 2008, 18:44:55 UTC
Shit man... :'D THAT WAS EPIC... I think i just used up my planned naptime reading this, but oh my god, it was so worth it this is probably one of the best 1896 i've ever read @_@;

oh, and um, i came here from runesque's journal, just so you know @_@'' i feel like a retarded stalky fangirl now

THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS ABOUT THIS THAT I LOVE... I don't.. I don't have any idea how to express myself right now. I don't even know you. This is just the kind of thing i LOVE. It's beautifully written, researched to the last detail (you have no idea how much i LOVE Dante's inferno. I squeed with absolute glee at the references. Oh my god. Abandon all hope ye who enter here? *diessss*)... oh, and not to mention it involves one of my favorite ever triangles of characters, where ALL OF THEM ARE WRITTEN SO IN CHARACTER... + smut included :'D ( ... )


kill_me_faster March 5 2008, 03:51:31 UTC
Ohhhhh man, I'm so flattered to hear something of mine referred to as 'epic'. XDDD I CAN TOTALLY GO DIE HAPPY NOW. *does so*

But, on a serious note, I'm still TICKLED PINK to get praise for my Hibari characterization, because BOY, was he a pain in the ass to write. @.@;; And I was fairly convinced I'd gotten him down all wrong, too. (Unless you guys are all just being too nice to tell me the truth. ^__^;;) Either way, thank you.

Chrome...I wish Amano Akira would make her more independent. *sigh* I know she's a fairly new character and all, but I'd like to see some, "She's her own person, too!" character development thrown in there. 'Cuz so far, she's kind of just like Mukuro!Lite. And she deserves more than the role of just his voodoo doll, or fanservice bait. D: 'Course, lack of canon material made it hard to get a foothold with her character, too, so I'm glad to hear I didn't royally fuck that up, either. <3 ( ... )


gomimushi March 5 2008, 11:08:48 UTC
GAHH, if this wasn't 'epic' i don't know what is. :'D <3 fejowaeao and no no no come back to life because your genius cannot end here D::::: GARHGHLRH

and yeah. Dx Hibari's stupidly difficult to write. I get so angry when people characterize him as too silent or stoic because he does have a playful/twisted side that you've really brought out here, and it was a thrill to have found a fic with that side of him finally ... ;; It's a little pre-mukuro hibari, but you can never tell what he's thinking and he is a bit of a mystery =w ( ... )


rukawagf March 5 2008, 22:21:09 UTC
sadly i don't think anyone would read it if i write one XD XD

along with tsuna + kyoko -.-;;;

Why is it that whenever I write, I can only write things that are inhumanly long?

thank gawd you do... otherwise, what would i do without your fics T.T;; (you, hope, realms.. etc)


kill_me_faster March 6 2008, 01:24:15 UTC


rukawagf March 6 2008, 01:25:24 UTC
lol still need to finish reading part 3 XD

ahahaha tsuna x haru will be fluffy angst o.o;;;; aaaaaaaaangst. ugh and angst hurts to write. XD

why do you like that pairing by the way?


kill_me_faster March 6 2008, 01:34:22 UTC
'Cuz Haru is earnest and adorable. She's like female!Gokudera.


kurafufu March 6 2008, 02:51:07 UTC

YOU ABSOLUTELY UTTERLY COMPLETELY CONVERTED ME to 1896. Of which I'd only had a few guilty thoughts about before, but wasn't really shipping. This is the first 1896 fic I've read (and from what I've been hearing about it, there doesn't seem to be that many) and it was amazing.

AMAZING I tell you! Aghh, that made me all sorts of happy - especially your characterization! I love your prose, and just. Wow, your Hibari and Chrome and Mukuro are so...they're so CANON. *3* I could almost see all of this happening in the manga - just not the smut, because that's too much to ask for - and I just spazzed the entire way through.

-- I am only capable of leaving incoherent reviews. *3* Thank you so much for writing this. *3*


kill_me_faster March 7 2008, 03:15:53 UTC
You know, I think I accidentally deleted the comment from my inbox, but you friended me, right? ^___^ Eeeee, I'm so happy.

But I'm even happier to hear that my characterization wasn't made of fail! I worked really hard to make sure that it wasn't.

And oh, thank YOU for reading it all the way through! I'm sure 23,000+ words was a doozy, no? ♥


kurafufu March 7 2008, 03:19:19 UTC
Ha, I think I was more like "if you don't mind, can I?" And since I'll take that as a "sure" I just went and did so? :)

*3* I already pimped it. Sort of. Mostly just spazzing of awesome, but there'll be a much neater, official recpost later on. Because everyone needs to read this. *3*

.....IT WAS OKAY. I LIKE LONG FICS. XDD ESPECIALLY LONG FICS OF WIN LIKE YOURS. ohmygod I didn't just caps at you. ^^;


kill_me_faster March 7 2008, 03:48:58 UTC

XD;; And really, thanks for being so nice. I feel like people were probably turned off by the length of this, though...there were a few people who didn't even realize that it was three parts long, ahahhaa. *fails* Maybe my next attempt will be more successful? My OTP is 8059, anyway. Though writing this was certainly a fun exercise - I rather came away from this shipping 1896, myself.

Ah well, though. Hearing nice things from people like has totally made my day.


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